Friday, October 26, 2012

THE   LOG--LONG   POEM :      Part  II

Long  long  years , that  I  had  visirtd  "CORBET"-  Park
yet  after  longer  years  in Capital-city life
have  no  further   desire  to  see ' Animal - World'.

In  the  beginning,  I  told -- mind  and  feeling  have  no  restraining  reign
  I  love  to  think  deep  on  every  issue  or  type
but can  hardly  come  to a  final  conclusion  on  subjects   pressing  on me
 Since  childhood,--  I  loved    and anted to  know more  about poems
 Friend , even  now  tell  me  , --I  could  have  been  a great  Doctor.
others  admire  me    more as  an  Artist , that is -a   Wastewood  Sculptor
 yet  I  always  conclude ; --nothing  matters  , any way  and  I
 don't  care  to be  anything  but  happy  as  I  want  to feel.
 And , even  brooding  over  these , has  no  meaning , I also feel.

For  last  two days ,  it rained  incessant  and heavy
now, the neighboring  roads and  lanes --all  swimming  or  drowned
 plenty  of  ditches  have  been promoted  to pools
Man- holes  are  now  hiding  like  planned  Death-traps
Now on   rural  landscape,  grains  and  wheat  are  almost  lost
 All  these  are events  and   are   broad-cast  on daily  basis
And  yet , to  write  a   Long poem , --all these  details  beg  entry   in my  lines
 and yet ,  to be  a  Poet, I  have  to  practice   more 'Compression ' --I  know
even  though  to  deatail them   --I , had  to travel  so  much !

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