Friday, October 26, 2012

RESIDENTIAL   @    15   DOLLARS     Per  Month
Part      II

Yet  some  'Bonus  gift' is  there ;  the  noon-time  Sun-shine  dropping  down --or
 a slice of   dusty  sky  and  greatest  of all  --the  moon ,  --if weather is  kind.
 When it  is  deep night  the neighbor- ones   drunk,  crowd  near the  gas-light;  they  shout  they  cry  --they weep , even  laugh  and some times  , demanding  all that  they  lost  in lfe.
 At least  some  engaging  change ; not bad ,--- perhaps !
 Thinking  about  my  aging  girl,  I raise  my  voice  and  sing  some   spiritual  songs
 from  Scripture . -- the   mean of  which is  even  beyond  me !
Even recite from  Bible, --what  Jesus  once,    said  about what ,,,,
 Maybe  my  daughter  is  not  listening  or  she  may  be  cleaning  elsewhere !

But  the  worst  enemy of  all --now  I find  --is the  Moon,-- that  peeps through
 like  some  whore  
 That  is  when  when  I  am  so much lost  ---for
 my  worn- out  poetic  soul is  not  dead   yet  I  perceive  now  !

A pack  children  alaround me ,-  sleeping  and   some  snoring, in-spite of  my sleepless  state
My  manual - working wife  now  sleeping like a  log ;  Even  though  myself  need  some more  sleep  to  face the  spineless  tomorrow, --hard !
 worst of all , we  both ,me  and  my daughter   staring at the  moon  -searching what !
 Sudenly  the  time  incites  me  to recite   more  of  Jesus  from  Mathews  quote
 Did  I  say, ever,  before---this  15 -dollar Rent is  good ; --I  deny
 That  Moon  now  seems  my  worst of enemies   and  some  day  may
  push  my  daughter  to  some  unfortunate  , dreadful  fate !

yet   dark Night  dominates rthe  night and   I  lament  often times
 This 15 - dollar - rooms  are  priced  too high and  even  my dauhter  agees  with me , at times
 and   I jump up  to my legs  and  start singing  some   Scriptural  songs
 the  meaning of which  is  not even  clear   to  me  , unto this  time !
( Concluded)

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