Friday, October 26, 2012


No bad ---not  at all  bad
why  say -' not bad '  !  --it's  good,really good
Twor-room set  for  15 dollars  per  month
even though  on a blind  lane but  yes, --quite good
Or -  what ?   For that  rent, ---do you  expect
some  princely  bedrooms for cozy  life  , --eh ?
quite good  the rooms at  dollar  fifteen  per month.

Only  that  high-packed  darkness  squeezed  within
yet that slit-size  window inspires  hope -- for  my  past  -time  view
really  !  ---this throttling  recision days
 the    price -rise , this cost  of  living  flying hogh
 even  the   godowns  are  temptations  much !
 All the  time ,- the  half -fed  class , the  *BPL  come and  que  up
 desiring  rent ;  even if  they  have  to  bribe  sometimes
Or , otherwise, the  threatening  winter  advancing  now
or the  summer-time  heat, monsoon- rain  and flood , --will be too  much
 death  some time  eyeing  on  starving  children  around and then
advance like  desert wind .
 Fathers  return to  violence or become mean . even  deceive
  mothers  buy  some  model-skirts  and  make their daughter wear it
 then as  evening  slides;  sensual  flesh is  auctioned  many  ways  and time

This  now , quite  some  different time ;  Realtor- business --miniscule  type
 Even  if , backyaed  or covered  space, ---can fetch  so much  price
any one  getting  it ---a welcome  gain !

And  yet  on this  blind lane , -- outside the  window here
heaps  of  garbage   piling  up for days and  the  stinking  smell
 And  what  coincides  more, --comig  out  of the  naked  boy to  defecate
 Enven  that's  O.k  but  the  municipal  limping  bull frightening  all
 or more  menaceful --the  local  biped goons  staring  at  my daughter  often times
 Measuring  the  price of  curatain  cloth  these  days , I  plan  a compromise
wish  the  goons -' good morning, and ask -'how are  you  all, --my  friends ?

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