Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I  think , Cricket  is  not a Game or Sport nor  has  Olympic  Recognition.
I  think , Cricket  is  now  one of the  most  Corrupt  Commercial  Industry , with  powerful Film -hero and  some political  Corrupt at  the  top.
I think,  CRICKET  is, now  one of the  most   , Stinking, looting,corrupt,  Commercial Enterprise , --fooling   the  'BPL -India'  and  keeping them  addicted  by inducting in "Cheer  Girls"  to  excite their  passion  &  sensual  urge.
Dear  Notifier,
Tracing  back ward  and  stepping forward , I  am  now thinkingg  that
for  posterity , I  should  own  a   copy  of  all  books  published  by
 You( Poetry .com  or  International Library  of  Poetry) ,   So far  and
since  1993  and  other than  any or  those I receive  as  'Complimentary
 Copy ' ,  if  if  decide  that way.
I  have  already   following    two  books  with me :
 I.     WHERE  DREAMS  BEGIN(1993)         ISBN   1-56167-039-1
II.    CARRYING   THE   TORCH  ( 2001)     ISBN    o- 7951- 5030 - X

 Kindly  let  me   know  the  Names ,  Year , -  Published    &   ISBN   no
;  &    the   price  I  am  to  pay   for  each one  of   the  BOOKs  (
 with  my  POEM / POEMS   published  , In between  and  after  those  two
books,  as mentioned  above .
After the  communication  from you , I  shall   confirm the  deal/ purchase
 or otherwise .
 I  dream to  own those  Books  for my  Home -Library   and  for  Posterity
Thanks .

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