Thursday, October 11, 2012

Laws , 'in-Laws' ,' & ' Out-Laws ' all
Invited  to     enjoy this   "Super -ball''
Like  Ice-berg  , -most is   hiding  underneath
The  Captain   looks  dumb , with  grinning   teeth
Wants the  'Image'  but  'Washington  Post '
Smashed  it  long  back, . now  looks  ' out-post'!
 the  boss is  worried for ' IN -Law   now'
with  folded  hands    the  captain --vow
urge  for  IMAGE  ;  curse ' Mindlessness'
 the  crisis  deepens  with  helplessness
'only  if  pronob  was here '-- some  cry  loud
the  darkening  SKY  is   covered  by  Cloud  !

Don Quixote  had  DE La  Man cha  ever   with him.
If  every one has to resign, every  time , how  Quixotic  GAME  will RUN  or  Cervantes  will write  another  EPIC ?12/10/'12

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