Monday, October 29, 2012

(remembering  Hitchcock's)
My  rear  window  here,  where  now  live
open-wide  towards  G.T  Road
-that historical one ,  linking India  to  outside  West

I  sit  for  some  time   and  watch  a living World
the  road  so many  centuries old  now
Old  and  new  and  all mixed  up  seem --unified  some how
Cart , cycles,  Autos  motor  cars  al  ltypes and  crwded bus
Kniting   cenuries  like a  woolen shawl with  all  shades  and  patterns
 I  see  engrossed  the  India -whole --old-new,  rich  and  poor
 more  people  walking   up  or  down  within  a  single  frame   combined
 Even a    the  stray  dog that  i  look  upon as pet
as  some tmes  I  feed  the  dog  some  bisuits  and it follows  my  way
wagging  its  tail  to  approve my  action  perhaps

Seem  I  am  now  even one  with  them  in  this  subarban life
 and  the  half- clad  boy  about en years  old
 collecting  useful  things  from near
 Searching  garbage  and  colecting things  that  have  salable  value  some sort
 yet  I  find  him  whisting ,  singing , enjoying  even  his  status  as such
Yes  he  is  a  child-  labor , may be  self-employed.   true
 I  look and  think  or think  and  look and  brood  on  deeper  issue.

The  face  of this  new  Century  seem  to   me  so much  uncertain  more
I   learn  so much  through  my  REAR  Window  about  life ,  living  all  the  more !

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