Friday, October 26, 2012

Part  V
In reminiscence , sometimes , I look  back  for  some  precious  love  I left  behind 
as if   some  young  deer,   looking  often, back for  her lost  mother  somewhere
 Once in  young life, I  was  forced  to leave  behind  my  root  and  Mother- Land
 even  , for  my  synthetic  Freedom ,  some kind, on  Bay of Bengal side ---- 
  a  tragic  Political  Finish !
  While writing  you all these,  some  other  thoughts  too  crowd in me

 My childhood was  full and  a  happy gift  to me 
 though  we  never  had   a  rich  mammon life  or   anything  alike .

I  and my  Childhood - river ,  to  me , Ocean wide 
 holding  my mother's  hand , I  even  would dream of    Oceanic  Voyage  some day !
Those white sailing  clouds   sliding across the  sky
 the  distant   boats  with  puffed in sails  and   boat-men's  song
 sailing  for  dream- land , --remained  ever  un-known  to me 
 Where  for they  were  sailing, ---  was never  my  job to know .
My  only  treasure-thought  was , I know :
Beyond the  river  was, -- my  Maternal Uncle's  House , that I  came to  now --and 
 where   all my  play-things  were  eagerly  waiting  for  me  !

Memory  and  feeling  have  no  reign or  restrain ; nor  are chained .
nor  any Road- maps  on their  wings 
And now   ----to day,   I  am  a  Urban  Man 
 this  story  I  shall  tell   some day --and 
elsewhere .

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