Sunday, October 14, 2012

To  whom  to  be  faithful ?
 to   out side  world  of   Ritualistic  life
 or  to have  Faith  in  Self  and  then  evolve
Yes that  is  the  question  on final  phase.

 How  should I  be  a Patriot
 by  loving  my  country--and  hating  other Nations
and  which  one is my  own  country
when  I  am  an alien  now  to  a Nation
 that  was  once  my  mother-land !
Or, helping  my  own    people  alone  should be  my service
and  distancing myself  from the  rest  of the  world !

 How  should   should  I   nurture   my  love
 by  loving  all  human  beings
and  believing  that  other  lives  are  only  animal form
when  plants  and  insects  have  all  LIFE ,  like  mine
whom should  I  exclude ; whom should I  embrace  within !

The  problem of  living  a  universal life
 is  haunting  my  conscience  for  decades  now
 the  idea  of Unified - Life  is  nomore  a  moral theme
 when every  life  I  find  integrated  within  in   inseparable  form
Yet  how  can I  survive  without  elminating   some , of  another form !

The  curtain  descends  down  slowly  on the STAGE  for  me
 all  foot -lights  deem  to   deepening   darkness of  other form of PEACE
 so  many   questions  I  answered ; yet   so  many  more  are  born anew
Have  to  come  back , more  times  to  seek  answer  to each of  them  !

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