Saturday, October 13, 2012


Why ?  aspire  for  a  great  finish
or even,  a  quick  one
Go slow  and take  your time .

Even  after  13  billion  years
 God   could not  finish  this  single  COSMOS
and    designed for  all  HIS  children  to  evolve  better !

Or,  lok at the  face of this  Earth more at the Nature  of  Homo sa pi ens
 who  can't even  offer each ,  a simple  meal  twice
yet  smart  enough  to  fill up ,  even,  their  Kitchen - store
with  re-modelled  Neutron Bombs !

So , never mind ,  go  slow
but  never  try to  immitate  this   21st  Centuy-Civilisation
again  .

Dear Kejriwal,// your mission is great , and I wish I could slide back to your age to join you// But . Reality & Relativity are Eternity -- apart(Einstein proved it a Century back). To whom you are appealing to sack or arrest some Law -Minister, when you know that, the Gap between Law and " out-law'' is now a Vanishing point. Do you think , the ' Boss' under the Crown have the power with him or are not in the Game // Did you ever play , when young, the Gramophone - Record stamped HMV ( His Master's Voice ). Did you study Law or know that " ABETMENT OF CRIME" is also a punshable Law ( IPC) and on that term , I think , the "ROOT'' , under -ground is not only deep but involved / integrated .And the 'string-player' of the 'Puppet-play is not on the ' operating- STAGE' but beyond and behind . You have smartly exposed one of the root-let only . The' Banyan Tree" has as vast and wide a "Root' underneath ! And to finish the story, : 80 to 90 % -- or more of NGO-s , I think are Money -Makig ORG. in the name of 'Service to tthe Society'.and they pray for more "Vikalangas to be born '' to enrich their Collections . As a Great , Smart leader made added "Goreeb-s' fo his / her "Goreebi-Hotaao" propramme. ( Un less more Goreeb whom will you work with !). That's why I said , earlier , 'elementary , Watson ' from ConanDoyale .//Over ## by phanibasu , Legendary Poet, U.S.A (

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