Friday, December 23, 2011


Was told , more the  night  darkens, brighter shines the stars
Was told, piercing the pale morn the new Sun is re-born
even re-told, over-riding this decaying  state--once on this Land
there was the glorious Past with tallest men ,-with lion- heart
consoled by -- even to day I search and walk the way!

Was told , more the Sun grows , brighter becomes the day
dissecting the past, I try to  analyse  the golden Past
extending up to deaf-sky, the cynical TIME laughs out loud
shouldering the Impotent Century, staggers the modern time
The DESPAIR ,now, hoisted  high and like a flag
after every frightening night the  next one is trampled more !

Then where to search  for a washed clean day,- beyond this night
for a devotional temple-time  with garlanded  dawn
All the manuscripts  now , are but filthy lies or porn
After night-club fleshy dance , -another aborting morn
This pregnant night too, groans with bleeding pain
the abortive plans are determined to disrupt the DAY !

Then, regain and better revive   now,  in another way  
with clenched fist and promise  and oath to succeed
then,kick out this  burden  obstructing  the way
And  with self-less sacrifice  restore the   treasures  lost
Listen now to the gasping  groan of mother land 
No more prayer ; but rescue the future -the  'Cesarean-way' !
( was composed in Bengali  and published  from Calcutta,[periodical] India in 1974; now trans -created in English by the poet)

Monday, November 28, 2011


অনেক  কিছুই  বলার  ছিল  হয়নি বলা 
অনেক  কিছু  জানার  ছিল হয়নি  জানা 
দুরের  চাঁদ  আর  আকাশ  ছিল  স্বপ্নে -ঠাসা 
শুন্যে  ছিল  পূর্ণ হবার  শেষ  ঠিকানা !
২৪ /১২/১১
শ্রী  অরবিন্দ 

মশাল  হয়ে       জ্বলে  উঠতে ই
আমরা হাত  সে   সেকতে  সেক তে   বলে    উঠলাম  
এ বার  শীতে র   বুকে লাত্থী   
বু নো  ভাল্লুক টাকে  তুমি
আগুন আগুন  চোখে ভয়    দেখালে !

বিস্মিত হতে  হতে
উত্তপ্ত সাহসে পা  বারালাম

তার পার ,---তুমি
উ ল কা   হযে         আক়া শ    -  মুখ -এ             

আমরা জে নে  গে লাম 
কোনো হিংস্র অন্ধাকার্ কে -ই  আর 
 ভয়    পা বা র     কা র ন   নেই !
একদিন আমাদের  হাতের মশাল ,--তুমি  ছিলে 
 এখন , নক্ষত্র -দুরত্বে , -তুমি ভাস্বর   !
( র চনা  - ১ ৯  ৬৮-৭০ এর  মা ঝে  কোনো    সময় ) 

আমরা  রাত্রির  সৈকতে অপেক্ষা  করছি   

আলোর  সমুদ্রে  স্নান করব বলে !
( written sometimes between 1968 &' 7o; was pubished in Samayanug, a monthy POETRY- magazine, calcutta )

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Question to Myself  and my Answer from  within :

Q.:What is the worst crime ? /  Ans ; To allow POVERTY  in this 21st Century.
Q :What is the best  Religion ?  Ans: To evolve  One-self  up-ward from the state of where he is.
Q What is the Global  Offence ?   Ans:  exploitation  of one Nation  by another
Q:Should  there be Churches , Temple and mosques ?   Ans;  Only  if they are open  to all people for all the time
Q :  Does one need have Religious Identity , -to be spiritual ?  Ans: Not at all. there are men more spiritual than even  very famous Religious personalities.
 Q: What is the Value of Name and fame ?    Ans:  To be bound and conditioned by others'  opinion.
Q:  What is the most difficult job for some one in life ?  Ans ;  to remain 'Normal' and calmposed under any situation.
( Out of my note-Pad dt. 31.03.o7 )

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Saw the murdered moon,---beyond the cornice of the roof
don't remembermer the date ;but not so distant in time
and so vivid , ike a picture , in mind
for , it was the day -when
on the ground-floor, the drunk husband kicked his wife
and came out, with another dream baked on his hungry eyes
And more, --at the wine-shop , near by, -feeding media songs
and keeping the crowd warm or hot !
And a young dandy with a cigarette buning betwix parted lips
tempting the painted girl of a costly car.
From this roof , -could see many a tragic scene
and the sickle -moon murdered by Time
her naked pale body , -covered by bed-spread cloud.

The tragic scene ,--still so bright in my memory--for
the police came when the news spread
that the the pregnant lady from another roof
jumped with assured hope of not to live any more
And the murdered moon was visible still
half-covered by a piece of cloud,-even then
on the lap of puzzled sky !
( Translated by Umanath Bhattacharya from Bengali and published in
the book "Murdered Moon and other poems ", from Delhi, India ,1983;
revised and edited ,now, by the poet)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

[Experience: Saw a DEAD Beggar at the crossed -Road ,Karol Bag, DELHI in winter ,1962 '. The poem was composed between 65--'66 ]

Alas ! ---Oh GOD ----
how to console you !
Your failed creative effort ---- now ashamed
and printed on the dead-open eyes , ---of the beggar Dead !
Yet the man was born , (-by your choice) like , in human -way !
Even the stray- dog of that tobaco -shop
is wagging his tail with indulgene of the owner there -and
that beggar , now dead , could not get even a little of that !
But what pleasure did you derive, -tell
By shaping off his tail in your evolutionary -Joy
In his life , strugging to survive , in -spit- of
insects , mosquitoes or rain
and indifferent ,adverse civillised world
now paid back all his dues -to you
through his last instalment - his breath and silent HEART
exhaling out his last and poisoned breath , -on your face
for -- revenge !
And I was there and witnessed it

In his final DEATH, all his unpaid credit-dues --- repaid in full !
Betwix the partig lips --dry and dead
'PEACE ' that he never got in life, is resting now !
In puffing out of his final breath
and , now , he paid you back-the LIFE
that you gifted, knowing ,even - so fake !

The cold naked body ----lying stiff
while slammed and shut its doors ,--on your face
there I could see --all your creative Seasons, --summer, spring or rain
kicked out like UN-wanted guests, --from his ife.
And --
the leucodermic , leperous Day
refused by his indifferent -poise
or ,-even from his opaque- eyes
like kicked -out stray dog with tail , betwix legs
ran out of his way !
(Transcreated to- day from the Bengali poem , published in CACTUS [Bengali -book ], 1969, Calcutta)

Sunday, November 6, 2011


The Biologic ROBOT
with injected life and 'Consciousness- lumination '
beyond Visible LIGHT or EMF -TRICK
Subtler than any " thing'
and the GAME
sprayed over all the Cosmic Field
by the whim of a lonely JEST-ER
ever ---UNKNOWN !
He or she or IT
liked to feel amused - being ever alone
with ETERNITY ever, -within !
Betwixt the Waste -pipe and the Swear
the JEST-ER designed and hid
the treasure-trove of
Passion and Love
suffused with the spectrum of hormnal flow
for perceptual joy.

The eternal 'Play 'or the Game
can never end nor snap like ,- DREAM !
For ,-----otherwise
the Desigher will have none to meet
or to mate
and would be bored , ever within
with the sef
Himslef-herself or Itself
with NONE to be with -and
with no ----OUT or WITHIN !
even to ESCAPE !

Friday, November 4, 2011


Of Phani Basu,I confess, I had no knowledge at all about -who he is, what he is or what place he hails from , though I have rendered into english a large number of Bengali poems, including about fifty beautiful pieces of poet Phani Basu.
Thus happened that historic event;
One fine morning in October 1977, after finishing the translation of a poem of Phani Basu (whom I never yet saw, or knoew), that appeared in the Puja nimber of ' SAMAYANUG' of that year, I was absorbed in reciting it with verve, as was my wont,when to my pleasant surprise, Sri Deb kumar basu, the Editor of the SAMAYANUG, announcd himsef.
With him was a gentleman with soft feature and an artistic aroma about him.When Debkumar Basu introduced his companion as his friend -Dr.phani Basu M.d, I jumped to my feet with excitement and exclaimed 'is he by any chance a poet also ?'
As my editor friend noded, affirmatively and the poet looked on, I spread before his view the translation of a romantic piece of his "Ami Taari Paakhi"(I am her Bird) just completed and the ink was not dry til then! Presenty I embraced him warmly.
The effect was tremendousy dramatic! Whoever dreamt that the poet would come and grace my study and discover his own poem translated on that very hour of histiric day of our first meeting and the editor from whose Magazine the piece was , would also witness it !,"
Umanath Bhttacharya
S-v/49 , R.K Puram, new delhi- 110 o22

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Growth or - Entropy
a face of simultaneity!

When now in my eighties
I walk on the paths and lanes
in rural town that was once some village
or rural fields; where -
the paddy fields once that were ---
Now all crowding houses, taking urbane shapes
And the remnants of old buidings , -
shelter some-one's industrial hope
with vital desire or aggressive greed.

The villages that were once some Konnagar and Panihaty
are now satellite towns of KOLKATA, the Metro pol
Thus growth of township --and
entropic vanishing of rural face
that was once so-green--and -signifies now
both progress and Entropy
a variant face of simultaneity !

Monday, October 24, 2011



Not difficult to find out this DEHI, -now
For , the Raj Path and Jana Path cross each-other
for each.
( Published in Bengali in the book -CACTUS, , from Calcutta , 1969 - edired)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


The Media lie
the killer-feminine faces with anesthetic smiles
or the painted faces of BIG-BAZAR -Time
Over Loaded News -paper ;nothing much to tell
other than murder, rapes and Sex lives
The copy -Cat Baptism Bollywood/Tollywood type
The millions of masked faces ever ' zig-zag '
all around
like snap-shots of Urbane -life.
The morning NEWS with Scams - and Schemes

You could not experience the real World
of WASTE-LAND --and for that
have to be re-incarnated or Re-born
or Re-visit the ENTROPY in RE-CYCLED form.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Was told, -darker the night advances , brighter shines the stars
Was told , bursting the pale MORN , ENTERS THE MORNING SUN
was further surmoned,--trampling this anaemic -TIME
Once the LIONIC - Past Ruled this Ancestral LAND
This MOTHER Land Existed and Expanded beyond all shores
with this much consolation, I searh the Banyan -Time and walk the talk'

Was told, more the SUN climbs the blue, more Matures the Day
turning all stones, -I search and seek those golden way
Appealing to the deaf SKY,-- laughs loud the Cynic TIME
and the Modern days come , shouldering the IMPOTENT MILLENIUM now
DESpair is mounted like the hoisted NATIONAL FLAG
After each Coal-tar night enters the more threatened Morn !

Then where can find , the washed-clean aftermath-way
Or the temple-space with adoring loving day
All manuscripts , i search, are studded with knitted lies
after each deadly bleeding night, Q-es up the gasping morn
Tears roll down from the potential pregnant hope
the conspiring CORRUPT Minds, are aborting all possible births.

Then Re-Establish the other day with clenched teeth and iron-grips
Then, promise and plan for another better way
Then over-throw all suffocating built -up , opressing stones
Barter for the Golden shine ,- betting even life as last exchange
Listen once more the weeping cry of pregnant Time
( Was written in Bengali (1970-75 ); Now translated and posted)
and pray not or beg but Liberate the Baby -the CAESARIAN -WAY !

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Thursday, October 6, 2011

বিঁজয়াWho won the 'Battle' in the end
the Divine ? or the Demon
who can tell --OR
the Vital LION wounded or Dead
don't know yet
the Earthly Divinity , in Thousand , drowned or -
Immersed on the Gangetic- belt
Now , 'skeletons' float or go' under-ground'
To scan or analyse is not additive , --I know
while the final RESULT is yet to come.

Who won the Battle or the 'Game'
the Demon or the Divine
who can tell ?
OCT. 7, 2011
Posted by Phani Basu at 7:12 PM 0 comments

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Saturday, October 1, 2011


No I CAN't forget him nor I shal. It was i twas between 19 55 and 1960. He was just a sales man in his brother-in law's shop in Gole Market , , near Cannought Place , New Delhi. He was 5 or 6 years older than me and lived in Paharganj.... Short-built very fair and ever jovial. He knew how to smile and laugh in any situation and infecting every one around. Most impressive was was his face . When he aughed with his shining teeth you could butjoin him1

He was then abot 30 as already told a service -man in 'Great Eastern Stores'. And I. a doctor doing my House jof in Irwin Hospital ., used to live in the Boarding House busines space of my father at 13 Lady hardinge road and my spare time hobby was just to observe this MAMU's(As I adressed him) in-born talent to deal with peope of any ranks , ordinary or high, Secretary level( then Mr.S Dutta Ambassader to USSR used to vist this Great Eastern Stores,-often)

What invoved me mostt that every one woud come and seek this 'Mamu' for their shopping and other help. And ike al iving magnet his presence and smile and talk would keep every one stuck to the counter like iron file to the magnet,

I have seen, even, his convincing a client that SULEKHA Kali , is an Impoted material, makeing the client look at him with dropped jaw and almost willing to beieve. His metod of convincig was that the shipment carrying that SUEKHA was diverted to another country during a storm and then was redirected ti India. I was standing by on the counter that day and wanted to take in every word and the way he said it.

How can I forget such a charming and joly good fellow who coud keep you aughing even when you have painful gum ! And i can go on and on teling about him !

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


When a boy (1940--43) and ever living in rural set -up of the then EAST -BENGAl, (in our village in Dist Barsal), where I was ever happy and never knowing a metropolitan life. I stili rememember three good things that I did and shall ever remember and be proud of until the last day of my conscious living.
I. I was 10 or 11 yrs of age then and first ventured to our weekly market place (Juluhar) abour 2 miles far and at the end of our next village.. After doing the marketting I gave the full account to my mother, My labour -tip was the stamdard 2 paise ( copper coin) out of which one paise I spent for a ras-golla( ball of paneer soaked in seet juice and the other was my saving. Suddenly I found that I had extra 3 paise with me . and on rechecking with my mother's help , I suddenly rememebered that I forgot to pay the Beatle -sellar his due.. The Sun was already sliding down and the nexxt marketing day( Hut-bar) was 3 days -far. So I decided to make it before the darkness came down and covered the distance and met the man ewatning and panting and paid him his 3 paise. The man looked ant my tuin body and sweating. The beatle -seller received it and blessed me profusely. ano on return , my mother too. I think , these blessingss had lasting effect on my life.

II.It was (1942--'43) or Famous Bengal famine -time ( 1350; Begali Calender) Almost 80 percent people of our village and all aroun and beyond were starving. Though we were not poor ( my father had a Boarding house business in Delhi), I found al most all my cousins and play- mates did not have full meal each day. one of my distant cousin ( kartik ) living about half a mile away was my friend too. they were really in a very wretched condition. They were three brothers , had a sister with a widowed mother. They were always poor and now almost starving.
One day he came to me at our house and told that he had no meals last night this moring had only somr boied rice -poder (.IKhud ). I felt his hunger within me that day , don't why.I was only 11 or 12 . And I went in got a pot and filled it with enough Rice grains ( abour 5 seers - [6kgs by togays term ] and gave him . My mother was busy in the kitchen and brothers also not in the house. So nobody knew. and that was my first stealng from our own house. And it was ,perhaps a theft, for which I shal ever remain proud.

III.Within months our whole area was engulfed by FAMINE ( I was not much aware about the outside world ). Soon there was COMMUNITY feeding Centres opened in our area . and more than half of our villagers used to come there with full family (children too), to eat at the FREE MEAL CENTER (only rice-soup with some DAL(pulsees).
I used go there almost daily to know how they can eat that balnd liquid rice and boiled leaves ! and one day , just to know by direct experience , I sat with them and tookk and swallowed that meal of (NANGAR -HKANA)'. That was then only my life to know but not enough wide awarenees to absorb anf feel.,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The Landscape and the Lords

Now Falcons and vultures are flying high
to scan the Land for respective prey
when la'irs and psycophants are 'vigilantes' now
where to hide or to whom to pray !

Feigning foxes are standing guards
skeletons dumped , made burial ground
The deaf and dumb are the gentle tribe
Lion's land now is ruled, - by hungry hound.
( composed : Sept.21,2011)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Thursday, September 15, 2011What is LIFE & LOVE ?
Realy ! what we are ? We the last Bipid living animal ife or more repected logo Bipid Homosapien , the extentension of last animal life with Expandig CONSCIOUSNESS extending beyond all barrier of nature unto or beyond all universes and exploring the Grand design. Now the physicist like early Phylosophers are raising questions not written in physics nor in Cosmology.

Schrodinger's book "what is ife' raised similar querry'.
" does a fish know any thing about the water within which it is iving throught life' - Einstein in 'Out of later years' Even a small fry like myself once wrote a poem ( published0 in WHERE DREAMS BEGIN ,while U.S.A titled Man tthe 'COSGMIC Biologic RObot"
A frog in the little pool is happier than us in the sense that it has neither the capacity nor the need to know any more than ,-eat and breed and be marry.
Man is like a one flower on the deser- Ocean casting fragrance all beyond without knowing --why or what for.
These are questions also integrated in our life , living and love for iving and also for existence and feeling for Unity and affection; and so.... !
Posted by Phani Basu at 9:55 AM Email This
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Now how should I start, what I can never finish as this is a circle that is so close to it's returning point ever... never meet but ever expands like EXPANDING UBIVERSE.. Yet I have to try as, I am approaching the Finish-Line of my Physical form and do not like to carry on a LOAD that is becoming heavier, the more I hold it and not release. Even scientist like Schrodinger has written a book --'WHAT IS Life ' and EINSTEIN searchrd ever for FIELD theories and even admitted that 'the fish will never know , in ful he water it lives witin' ; even after chaining Matter-Enersy in Capcular form. And no body knows yet the " mind of God [ though the fault lay in the Name itself].Any way :
" THERE ARE MORE THINGS IN HEAVEN AND Earth THAN ARE DREAMT OF IN YOUR PHILOSOPHY " --Shakes peare who did not buid a " CERN" ot side, found an Equation that wiil last as long as any Cosmology. Einstein himself urged to make
' make it simple but don't make it simper'. So let me try;

It was 2001 and I was was 70 trs+.( I told a part of my life story and experience in the begining in my Autobiography and inspite of Marck Twain. Any way, I and my family ,[ with my children married and established ; all with U.S.A Citizen ship] I came to Delhi alone, leaving my house to a BUILDER . I went to CALCUTTA ( Not then ,KOLKATA) to ny wifw's frieds place for 7 days trip to relax and try publishing my next book " ABAAR FIREY ELAAM".-a book of poems .
Have already told this story before; how I met a lady of 40 plus , found that she was a poet and I was over filled with joy and hope that after being almost in EXILE from my literay root and poetry-world God returned me my dream -land- joy of my literary Passions.
And we were friends quicker than " love at first sight' But I warn my readers --there was no love any deep desire in me. As alredy told I was 70 + and I had a type of passion for ART , more intense than physical and sensual joys.
One day her eyes moistened after I recited my poem , then I became curious . Another day after learning that I visited her Area on my morning walk , withut meeing her,she she was overwlelmed in her feminiee ,emotional joy to expand in search. Afterwards I analysed this poetic traps and dicovered that both of us had false roots. She a a married mother with two talented children and a golden -hearted husband . And though never a frind nor a poet , my wife had every thing to make me happy and be proud . Yet in 7 days we became friends, promised that we will remain so and also promised that we wont be physical and touch each other and we kept it for renaining 3-4 days. even more credit goes to her than me in this decision. She writes bautiful poem and I even translated one.I left Calcutta for Delhi . she came to the station with a Sweet- Packet and parted in a 5-10 minutes. We found not much things to talk about!........ Slipping back on memory line, I rember, one day she asked me what will be the fate of our friend -ship that 'now you are an American and never know if and when we meet again, I promised to reply on phone or E-mail and then I asked-' what type is your hausband? she looked straight on my face and with humour and replied - he is so golden hearted and good in every way'- and to tease me told , 'even better than you in many ways'. I absorbed the punch and replied -' Know one thing from me , **I am not born to burn a happy home. So we wil ever remain friends and some day I shal, vist your home and meet your husband and childrren. she agreed and we rturned to our respective shelter.
***** and as we both promised ,we never broke our vow. That way even BISWHWAMITRA could respect and follow me.. Of course without her charater and help , I might not have succeeded ,And my age also helped me . Bad Luck is , - even when I excelled in Character , my wife with her long-time experience with me did not appreciate my strength of character but reacted violently.
But as i was too much egoistic with enough faith in myself, I neiter compromised nor did care , really !
Meteors fall and accidents happen even on Earth, from GODS heaven. !..... As alredy hinted before ,it was after I came back to U.S.A and during an e-mail connecion ( neither of us knew yet how to handle the machine and we both got stuck 'dead'on the key and sought the help of my son to get the message My son came and helped and like a spark her message -' I love you '-hit me in front of my son. Me and my son wwere ever friends , he cut a swwet joke - 'what is it dad !' and was smiling and I explained and he understood.. But ... within 48 hrs heavy clouds assembled around with declarattion of a storm because his mother was ever of serios Lady of different Vivration and could not absorb and assimilate the humour no the real grais of the incedent when my son offered her at a pre-dinner soup he always cuts jokes with me) ----------...............-----------
And I lost my blossoming heaven on either side and for 10 years since and even now my sky is ever , most often,cast though cooling down in ENTROPIC DESIGN.
Yes my love for poetry also suffered for long and now I am trying to revive it and re-live my ever happy Life , though with touches of great greek-tragedie, here and there.
And no !, un like modern Western Cuture, we are not seperated but is covering in full , the path of 'RETURNED'. Of course, my greatest set back has been the loss of a very good FRIENDin my life and who had no fault or ill design and we wanted to me good friends on UTOPEAN GROUND, and that was possible scanning our age, But GREEK TRAGEDIES are written for , --as we desire or decide.

And the loss, a have lost a Great Friend and , perhaps forever !....SO W H A T !! . " Man must not Live by BREAD alone" - Bible .
The End

My LIFE Story - II

In my life every thing started quite late and not before many hurdles and deceptive obstructions and temptations that I had to overcome not by my courage or skill alone but some subtle force and invisible light that is better accepted as Pre-deatination.Just as what is invisibe to our 20/20 vision is visible with deeper vision, many things we often declare as absurd can happen as Natural events under cercumstances beyond our grsp and grip. In my life that approached at this stage some mturity , quite late. And myy love for knowledge and books was aso a late phenomena.. Up to matruculatuon ( standard X, I had no scope ,desire or luck to voyage with the journey of knowledge. that was the advantage or fault of Rural life and un-like Modern children and boys/girls , I was lucky. A few books realy moulded my ife more than any thing else . They are DATTWA by Sarat Chandra(bengai) to rarn writing story, Around the World in Eighty days by Jules verne, Oldman and the Sea by Hemmingway and in later ife ,- works of George Bernard shaw and Swami Vivekananda . they taught me in the art of telling & writing , guiding to anaise socia and mora values and now in my after-noon and evening ife.- Kathamrita, everything of EINSTEIN, the GEETA, UPanishats,and SAMHITAS (Post-vedic).
Coming back to real Life-stories I was a emotionnal boy when I shoud have been a man and when I was mouded into a man I had more to strugge about for my mere srttlement in economic word. and Quoting G.B.S, I dare say that I had no success in the world of Romance and love util I left my 30 yrs behind.
In my young days poverty or life of lower midde cass put stricture on my dreaming ventures and really speaking I was always cautious like a miser not to over-spend for any thing or anybody . So I wwas never a well-dressed smart boy . more over in my teen-age and twenties ,I was bony- slim and my Mongolian features more revealed. I was too much conscious of my limitation and so never dared to face any girl for friend-ship.In medical colege , when finally I was declared a smart , intelligent and talented, it was too late and with economic shakles ! Any way my failure s in romance helped me to build up myself to make-up and to catch up.
My marriage was neither a love-marriage nor a Social marriage but almost like a challenge to prove myself and my views and faith. and I was lucky otherwise.----------.
As already told before that I had my dream and choice but I dared not to approach the girl of Medical College, whom I liked admired and adoredand who also liked and admred me . But the class and economic gap was too deep to dare to abridge. It was ever a romantic dream.
After my marriage it was a battlle for building family -ife and also my romance wth Art & Literature i.e potry, Drama and other literary voyages etc. During my student life somr event tried to trap me by alluring me to life oflife of flesh but my genetic or inherent poise and ideas in life saved me from those very tricky trap and really, God, perhaps helped me..I personally deserve no credit for that except I was saved by Divine decision. Between 1995 & -96, I came from USA to Delhi far 2-3 month's change and went with SRI Aurobina -Ashram team to NAINITAL Yoga centre.There wee 300 to 400 disciples and tousists that asembled in the AShrsm on the top of the Hill with beautiful surroundings for Yoga Practices and Lectures,. Some one fell sick and his mother was very much nervous in un-known surroundings. There then I had the chance to show my professiona skill and the boy with pneumonia became alright in two days and I became amost famous and very popular. A very ,cultured, educated Lady,-(Teacher) UN-married & 40+ . slim and smart came closer to me gradually . She was a bengali and learned about my being a poet and a writer too. We talked and talked like friends . And one day wlile stroling together she tried to lead me to a very loney corner of the Ashram, do not no why . But my genetic or natural incapacity inspird me to make an excuse and escape.May be, she was not meaning any thing wrong and I was only aprehending non- existenet cumination . After that I tried to avoid her and on the third day we returned to Delhi , Of course she invited me to come to her place in South Cacutta but it never happened. I was aready nearing 60 and it is too much to try to be any anymore sportive and be desirable to any kind.



" Autobiographers are greatest LI'ars . " - Marck Twain

I am now Scanning myself on the Time-scale od 82 years. So I am neither bonded Labour of this life nor a tempted candidate for the other world . And nd afraid of teling about mysef , inspite of Twain.My experience in ife is huge and anyone of any layer of living can be out-weighed by my experience.
I was reared up ,after birth in the remotest village of RURAL Bengal where even a Cycle was a piece of Science fiction ('Time Machine').
My child hood mates were daiy wager's or ordinary house holder's children laboure's children .My play -mates were even Domestic beigs ( I hate the word 'animal) and the way the word is abused) ..
I feel lucky that my first 12 yrs allowed me evolve naturally in the village and i was almost a sick boy 4days out of a week, rejected for all sports and had the chance to observe and assimiliate every happennings and developments in its primal form. That shoud be enough for Marck twain to record and make conclusion.
The most of my early years from final school to medica life, I have given almost in pictorial form before.One thing I loved! I live and grow on the lap of Nature and the Divine bestowed on in full and I sipped it and lived it in full.
I told , also bfore that a ASTRNOMY -Astrologist told to my father ( by simply observivg my forehead that I woud come close to many great men of INDIA and had a great phiisophica natura bend of mine but fame woud never be to he eve of my performance . It realy happened
Being even totally out side higher Social Circe :
duty1. I came in direct contact with J. NEHRU, Enjoyed rea with Him ( 26th jANUARY DUTIES AT TA KATORA gARDEN DUTIES for cosecutive 3 years. I had even photographed with him( on duty ){ Afterwords I tore that photo to fberate mysef drom great-connections)
I am a type of whimsical, adament a egoistic type of youth.
Before thatI n 1949 Mahatama was passing by the Mirza pr srteet and i refused to join my fried to see him claiming that i did not seek oportunity but meet when I deserve.
I 1956-57 while in Delhi as Medical officer , during Jaundice epidemic i had the sole charge of openig a hospitak in TIBIA COLLEGE,near Ajmal khan Park.. I was on Night Duty the previous night. the dorector advised me to come at 10 am to meetHealth Minister (Karmarkar) to be introduced to and praised for my performance. I declined to come beyond my duty to meet anyone to be appreciated. The director that I was a crazy young man and agreed.
In 1971, Sj Jogjivan Ram , the defence minister came to grace my ART & MUSICS SHOW, Composed and Directed by me and it was a grat success.
AHindra chaudhury was present on my recitation of my own poem on Rabindranath and praised me personally.
I had the rare luck , sitting close to INDIRA GANDHI , SANJAI GANDHI & RAJIV Gandhi while enjotying Dance performance of ANANDA SHAKAR in KAMANI HALL DELHI
I enjoyed even a press interview party at INDIRA GANDIS HOUSE in the evening and my presence there was, just a co-incidence by the invitation from my neighbour Smt ARUNA Chakrabort of C.E park.
Even While in U.S.A I and my wife had good chance of meeting the prsent Vicepresident of U.S.A , Joe Biden. He was from the same state[ DELAWARE ]and even in mid-90s ,once came to canvas for his election as a Senator.
Al these I am scavanging out of my Memory to let it float and also to support with facts that Fate drew me within the Boundary of so many International personaities without any worthy Bio-data of ysef
Next i shal Relate some of my personal experiences and ajso my satis facut fy Marck Twain ( Contd)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


( Remembering those who SLICED my Mother - Land)

No I shall not rest; like dumb onlooker
you can't buy my admiration nor praise
or demand more tolerance -no, I affirm
I am not a dummy nor a tool for purchase
Neither a pawn on your chess-board, Sir
Nor shall dance like puppet to strings

Long back 'YOU' butchered my MOTHER -Land
for your POLITICAL GAIN fooling us all
and a camouflaged - gift of freedom and hope
now know ,-those hungry sharks &hyena howl!
and foxes dancing around. for smelling -meals!

Six decades and more so, sipped us past
FREEDOM itself now your gaining- tool
my Mother -Land RAPED and ravished -thus
now lying , bar en , robbed of flesh in full
And blood flowing out -of her shrivelled veins
Kn awed and chewed by your Canine urge'

Don't care, - what your heritage Past
or, what-Gandhi was your GURU or Kin
If hiding DNA is the proof of 'Blood ''
re- incarnated villains are on the field
in unison and with canine- greed
now planning like dark-devil to breed.

You drove me out of my childhood love
and Mother's Lap by dividing her( with butcher's knife)
I was thrown out , a weeping child
now am an old and finished 'Life'

So much so !-- have nothing to lose
My waning breath and shrivelled tongue
has learnt to spit scorching fire
and my venomous breath to frighten all

My spitting words my final wrath
for you all who made me so
by being the lineage of Ruling line
SLICING my Mother so Serene and green
into two halves ; and divided her
for raw or roast-y fleshy gain

I shall speak out and spit out fire
so long alive and REMEMBER all..
(composed on Sept. 13. 2011)

Monday, September 5, 2011


That fish is not happy in the pool
how do you know it , ----eh ?
Sometimes with upward pressure of stream
it appears on the surface ---sometimes
to breath the free air under the blissful sky
and the pent up air of it's lungs
finding vent through the gills --
joyfully effervesces ---or
like to keep afloat ed some time.

Presently, ---to have a feel of it's self
begins to dive-in again -poising on it's fins
or, maybe, goaded by the curious stares around
quietly slips down beyond all gaze

It likes not to be your game
No ! not even by the praise of salivating tongues
and admired - 'delicious ' !
nor even by your singular love for it
assuring a cosy asylum in the Aquarium
and the regular dole of costly meal
bonding with you as 'prisoned'- guest

That is why you say
the little fish is not happy in the pool
How do you know it , --pray ?
[Published (1983) in the book "The Murderedmoon and other poems of Phani Basu from Delhi, India;Translated by Umanath Bhattacharya ]

Sunday, September 4, 2011


The largest Moon I ever saw when a child
It's silvery rim with effulgent glow leaped beyond
over flowing the Sky.

And ever since it started to shrink and as I grew
in experience
in Modern- time unto this mature age
and today
the largest Moon of my child-hood life
has receded now, to present size !

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My last poem


Hold it up --the cerulean Sky
my last CANVAS
as I want to paint with pigment of love
the Sun-set gloom with fading glow
I know ----------
soon --- I 'll have to leave
and less time to see
the coming Century grow
or time to baby-sit for long
My aging sight , now fading fast
I know ---
my cut-piece time.

Yet hold it up , the Sky , -- my Canvas last
till, I paint it full --my Sun-set theme -and
while I have still -----Some time .
( published in 'Where Dreams Begin ' , Poetry .com, U.S.A)

Emigrating Birds -- or N_R-I s


Now they fly
the Emigrating birds of East
to western Sky
As it opens up -now
the hands on the handle of door
tremble more

The UN-known Future sky
allure them , all , to fly
for golden day or immolating turn
The Milk-way day
may or may not ---hold promise
yet the birds must fly
or rest with UN-conceived dream

To fly or not to try ,it seems
ending now in final theme
A decisive thrust to act ---
the claws clutching the branch
then spreading it's wings
for a distant flight.
(composed in 1993 ; published in 'Where Dreams Bigin'-1993, U.S.A )

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Like some dew -drops on a lonely leaf
on spring -time Wasis of a desert vast
brighter the Sun , the sooner shall vanish
our life on this planet where we live
and search for company in other Spheres.

It seems so lonely - only through Hubble's Search
Or Voyager, space -ships , planet -probe
more we know now or, as we find
we came from where ? or where will go

The cosmos -Game just plays its whim
know its plan or a venture blind
The more is known , the less understood
the more understood , the more concealed

Is Consciousness the rook of this Rubik- play
Or the Worldly Game on material field ?
who is the Author of this Grand Design
Or, who the First Cause of 'four' FIELDS ?

Monday, August 29, 2011


Wait , my death- out side my droor
as yet I need some more time
Some little more chance to accomplish in life
Chose some thing more I find subime
Some dreams en-visioned ,noot realised
some faulty prints , deeds need rectify
some memory , so dear ;preserved now lost
some canvas to paint some poems to re-try
My death plese, stand guard and wait
until I finish my un-finished work
when its done , we, hand in hand
will fly past all or as you ask.



Tomaar chokhey To maar Dikey
Sukh Baanaanor Swapno Dekhi
Surja , Aakaash Chandra -taaraa sab Chhueychhi
Maran Paney Eai Jaa Pelaam
Maito sheshhey sab haaraalaam
Swarga Bhutal,Swapna Minaar Jaachchhey dhuey
Emni Koreyee Furiey Jaabo !

Mantthaney jey bishh Utthey chhey
Seytuk Amaar ; Aar kichhu nei
Bhaalobaasaar eai Parinaam !



KEE Aasey jaai kone Akaasey Surja Aachhey
ki aasey jaai Kone Bhutaley Narak naachey
Kee aasey jaai kone pryasey ratna meley
Tthik Zenechhi
Mandirer-o urdhey Raazey Suddha aao - madhu kkhara
Sei Bedeetey Anzalitey sab rekheychhi

Aaaar Puzaa purna , premey ;
Tai naa peaam Aruo Jyotee
Naaie baa peam Swarge imba Swarna Fasal
Aabaar aami Dub-Saataarey firey elaamMantrey-Maayaai
Hriday ZoHra Pujaar Tthaalaai

Ki- aasey jaaya, aparhaaney kyamon aachhi
Ki- aasey Jaai Deergha zeeban Banci kimba naa-e-baa baaci
Eyee Pradeeper sesh Zwaanet , Jei Pratimaar Rup Dekgechhi
Eai Roop aar Aparuper Aainganey - Dhanya Hoaam !

Sunday, August 28, 2011



Only once ! -this body
only once ! - this 'I'
dancing on my Ego and self
and so much fuss and fan-fare for that!
And even beyond
So much effulgent j joy on CREATOR's face
and for that ,these subtle vibrations on my Universe -within !

This feverish poise , . this creative urge
and for that
all these Sprig-time bloom!
the razor sharp sword of anxious night
for this ever burning physical life
and the urge for a transparent Mind
or a shining Moon
for my spreaded LIFE - with
Sleepless effort
while Rainbow floats on eternal azure Sky
Yet this ever fading Time - Space and earthly light
while the Lord beyond
is ever smiling with his Entropic -joke !


MY lord
am not before withbegging bowl
shall never find me kneeing down
even though conditioned
with momentary life with promised DEATH
even withthat shall I
creat my 'heaven on Earth
what ever fragnented nectar inlimited life
thou iffered now
shall I creat the "Third Universe' -as
this assured DEATH id not my DEMISE
your defeat.



Give and I accept 'and promise to drink -
the Cup- full Poison, you all offered me
even though, i always dreamt - the necter or your love
Wrong , all wrong that ever i wished
Now etme pick up the Poisoned-cup
the collective desire of all whom i always loved
now that is extracted thick , the desireof my men

Now , let my all-inside melt-down
let the festive desire of yourseing my Death
get fullfilled
19 /04/01

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Come back home
enough time and endless flight'
countless numbers of flapping wings
searching your meal
or scanning the sky -for better deal .

Now time to rest after long enough fight
and tiring game of building nest
losing respite
or hanging on with frustrating grip
clutching your hold
on alien branches, facing Storm !

Come back for the final rest
fly back my bird
back in the womb of time and nest.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Friday, August 19, 2011FINAL THEORY

Friday, August 19, 2011
FINAL THEORY : ( Issue India )
Blundering Government searches for escape route from Anna crisis

Sandeep Phukan, Friday August 19, 2011, New Delhi

What is apparent may not Be true
The blundering Govt with its 'Head'
is exposed and involved through and through
the people now know -who one is afraid

"one can smile and smile and be a..." -a what ?
and "all that glitters is not gold"
If one looks honest , even then a -'but'
when 'Abatement of Crime ' does un-fold !

'King you are naked ' - told the child
even though he thought, he is covered well
one may be a scholar but incompetent to lead
and obsolete sermons , now , no more sell !

Posted by Phani Basu at 8:27 AM 0 comments

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mr. X does not steal but employ es or allows men in his house to steal;
is he honest or dis-honest.

A gentleman does not speak or prefer silence but nods when asked for consent ;
Has he expressed his mind ?

A man did not commit; any crime himself but was involved in 'Abatement of Crime ;
was he guilty or innocent ?

Finally. can one be innocent or honest but incompetent in his profession or performance ; Yes or NO ?
OPINION : One's reply or answer will UN-lock or UN-fold locks and covers of questions flapping around us.
Posted by Phani Basu at 4:40 AM 0 comments


It is not an issue of personal honesty or integrity. Just as an impotent adult can not father a child,an incompetent man/woman. however intelligent,can not lead his men.Or, a personally honest man can not be the CAPTAIN of a Ship to steer through storm.

Every one is not qualified to be Abe incoln,Admitted ,but ;
ABATEMENT of Corruption is punishable , even if one is persomally innocent, otherwise.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Wednesday, August 03, 2011

( In memory of a blossoming bud )

The spring-time park
and the waiting bench
the rose-tree beside
with the blossoming bud

The teen-age girl
waits and smiles
the young lover comes
clips a rose-bud
betweex his nails
and pins the rose
on her shiny hair.

The over-joyed -girl
leans and melts
on lover's lapp
and the rose bud too
withers down
on 'sweet-heart's' head !

Neither posterity nor history since
did record it nor know
who offered how much
on this 'Stage' of love !

posted by Phani Basu @ 1:43 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


{ in late 1970s and early 1980s, I had to teach in UCMS (Medical college0 attached to Safdarjang hospital) & took classes as a lecturer (medicine )
In a lecture on 'HYPERTENSION' I talked with my students ,in my own way i.e with drawings of 'Hyper as an arrow going up and 'tension ' as a rubber tube with more water than its capacity permits it to hold . The students liked my drawings and my way of defining Hypertension ( High Blood Pressure }.

Here , now , I shall tell about DEPRESSION in the same way and rather,as a lay person to common man. But before that some bulky Preface for a common -sense talk
A few months back I read in a newspaper that Pharmaceutical Industries since post 1980s has lost interest in bringing out newer and more effective ANTI-BIO TICS and that's why newer ant-bacterial are absent from the market, The reason is not "potential Discovery' but because it is less profitable than long- term drugs like Anti-depressant which are now covering the World and swallowing up the whole Global population.. And now, Anti- depressants and Terminal Disease Health System are the greatest field of Interest to Pharmaceutical Industries and Health Insurance Business., for more profit.
I shall love to now the percentage of functioning Population in U.S.A that is taking ANTI-depressants , in relatio to other ailments.

Anyway ! - Now to DEPRRESSION :

To me Depression is not a Disease but a condition of LIVING. and I have not read the biography of any great and successful man who had not depression( may they be from Abe Lincoln to W. Churchill ).Per haps, they were luckier on Time-scale-run , not knowing any anti-depressant drugs then..

But what is Depression ? To me , from the Lay-man's point of View ,
'De'- is down-ward displacement (of Mind) . & PRESS' means building up or built up pressure on Mind from all possible angles and sides.
As such DEPRESSION is a Self created or induced NEGETIVE effect on our MIND imposed by the 'RAT-RACE -EFFECT' of Modern Civillisation (Contd)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

INDIA 2011

"Now is the winter of discontent " - Shatespeare

Now is the 'Hell' of hungry wolves
ruling the land with canine greed
and the vultures cover the famine-sky
praying for carcass , heaped on the field

'One can smile and smile and be a villain '
told the Bard and yet is true
Scams and 'schemes' are breeding like rats
masks ,- guarding the rulers ,thorough and through'

When hawks and hounds are ruling the Land
gods and sages are , now , hiding -helpless.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Now i am 80-plus , measuring the length in time . For triuth-sake i am two yrs older than my recorded age. The discrepency is not my device . It was a social norm in our very Rural system for schooling, not before seven.
Any way .. now i am on the finish-line , i think , my very long journey in life with lots and lots of bumps and slips and bags of experiences ......
I am now resting in Konnagar, Hoogly ,of west bengal like a migrating bird , at last returned on the last lap of flights and resting ,finaly , perched on the final nest.
.................. My living interest or this sticking to LIFE (Existing-biological) is dwindling down .and I feel i am ready for the 'Jump-out' with the COSMIC sanction.
......My fina wish is for a Ocean/ sea- burial and at my cost and with the approval of my wife ,daughter and two sons.
I wish my Art works and literary ventures (printed & manuscrips) will be preserved
by my chidren out of the savings that i shall leave behind and in one the two flats that I have owned in Konnagar.
The left over savings will be my children's wealth and with their approval for Social cause or Cultural enterprise.
On my death and after,- no-one should face hardship or strain and should have their normal living, unless they decide themselves otherwise.
My last wish : throughout my life i have enjoyed eating lots and lots of fishes -dead and alive...... And I wish after DEATH my dead-body should be offered to the Ganga Sagar , sunk to some depth with weight( of my body weight ) so that all species of Fishes can have a nice meal as equity-balance of my living habits.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Rana , Specially for You ,[ after being inspired by that' KMOMA' - Episode etc ].

I remember , yet , and vividly the day when migrating to Calcutta , after 'Partition' in 1947-'48, may father , one day took me to kalighat, calcutta to a Priest who was well known for knowing 'future' of one by looking and studying one's face and head.( may be he came to Delhi , sometimes , stayed in fathers boarding house and was thus known to him ).
that was my age (16/17) when i did not know anything about 'occult power' , nor had the spirit or desire to believe or dis-believe any thing . I still remember that he went on telling something to my father after some time of looking at me and not even touching me . It was not palmistry nor astrology but a sort of Physiognomy .

That was a time and my age when i had no interest nor capacity for deeper-world but in retrospect , to day , I feel that he had great occult power because so many things happened in my life as he predicted. [after wards , you may remember or learn from your mother that in 1980s some south Indian Tantrik came to our house in CRPark and told so many things about you all that even impressed your maa................................................................

Anyway, shuffling through my later life,after my first Book of Poems - CACTUS ( 1968), Premendra Mitra put me on the top rank of poets (written words) and Subhash Mukopadhyaya (jnyanpith award winner) wrote - 'some of your poems have touched the very route of my soul ' and another critique wrote about me as 'Vini-Vidi -Vici "( for my first book)......Was even advised to shift my base from Delhi to Clacutta. ...But I did not, for i had no competitive -appetite.
After my second Book - Dwitya britta' in '72, In Calcutta weekly AMRITA , Jagyeswar Roy equalled my talent with KAFKA(Nobel Laureate). ..... and even then , my whim forced me to change my name to 'Parashar'.

No sense in living on past and thriving on memory...I feel and still am confidant that I write better poems than many or perhaps any of the present 'famous poets in Bengal.
but that priest of Kalighat expressed that I shall never be known or have fame proportional to my capacity( neither in Close circuit-Society nor beyond).
.................................................................. Even in the field of Art, the Grand-son of Abanindranath Thakur compared me with Van Gog and Ahibhusan took me to the level of RODIN (recorded). And Bengal ART College CO-OPTED me as a Member (Creative Art), even though I was an amateur..

But in the Mammon -world Media & Aggressive Publicity is a MUST..And there the things happened as that Priest told ... and I am not at all UN-happy or lost because I lived to do as I liked and whimmed.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Post Script : ( Mejh da :

I . I do not believe that Death is the final-finish of any life ( material life +Consciousness) bu t only a transfer point for revival (Recycling) . If i believed in Death , I could not have written that poem "Mrityu Nei " ( my booK "Abaar phirey elaam ".
2. I do not practise all Social habits , unless my faith accepts it within my soul.
3. As it is described in 'Tibetan Book of the Dead' and also in 'GADUD- PURAN' , The body of Mejh da has been discarded and his Soul(individual) will be in SLUMBER for next 72 hrs after that 'death' .
4. It wil wake up on the 4th day with hightened conscious spirit, can see us all and shall merge in Cosmic SOUL, like cloud melting in Sky.
5. I advise Tapas and all who believe in my faith to pray on the 3rd day and vocally remember all the good things that was in Mejh da and his good works....
Weeping is not respected in spiritual traditions.


The Way I Want to Remember Him to My Children :

Neither You my children nor your mother would be there ,to day , if Mejh da did not save me that day , about 74 -75 years back and when we both were mere boys.
(I learnt the events as follows , from my grand mother afterwards )

I was 7 or 8 yrs old and getting drowned in our big villege pond in Barisal. After the first phase , i was floating with my face down, [before sinking finally ].
It was rainy and cloud -cast evening time in Rural Barisal.
Mejh da was returning after his game. ...saw some thing floating and thought it some nut-leaf floating and tried to try his aim on it (me )with an earth -ball and immediately reflexly or with sixth sense impulse knew and shouted loud --Maa....maa.... Pha... Pha........
My grand mother came running fast ... jumped down ...rescued me ....put me on her h( with my belly pressed on her head ) and started revolving on her feet to throw all water that I swallowed - out of my belly.
Only a few minutes delay by mejh da that day or lapse in noticing would have written my life off from the subsequent life-story of myself !
Yet, I was saved and am living even to day.
But for Mejhda's presence there that day I would have been dead 74 - 75 yrs back.
And none of you would be now reading this strange tale.

Mejh da, I love you still and so much !.........
you are an inseperable part of my living !

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


( gifted his life by fasting for mor than 100 days in Dehradun, India for National cause)

Yours was the greatest success for a noble cause
But as you had not some
Organised Television -Face - nor a media -spine
the Vulture -world did desire more
you - as Dead than alive !

As you did not know
the rules and bye-laws or Commercial form
of popularised Yoga of to-day
You had to die
within touching distance of a highly Media play
of Poitical -Yoga..

Let the fools now count
the fallen feathers of Death UN-sung
Yours was the most glorious finish
for an ideal Cause.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


"The ideals which has lighted me on the way and time after time has given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been truth ,goodness and beauty '' - Einstein ; introduction of "The World As I See It'

True or mirror reflection of Satyam (truth) , Shivam ( goodness ) & Sundaram (beauty) of Vedantic Darshan( experience ; - not synonym of 'philosophy')

Einstein had great faith in Schopenhauer who was one of the early introducer of Vedanta ideas to the West . That way, the associated link seems interesting too :
" A man can do as he will but do not will as he will " -Scopenhauer .

N.B : Later I learnt that Einstein was deeply spiritual and had deep faith in Buddhism and even practised a typical 'mudra, of keeping the the thumb and index finger joined together at the tip. - pibi

Wednesday, June 8, 2011



Is it planned ?
or game of fate - replayed

The father admits , -that it was his plan
tO put the daughter in the game; and if - true
that the father took-up lady Macbeth's role
to put you Kanimozhi in , -where now
you suffer your fate!

To day the mother weps ; --breaks down
Kanimozhi, - you have such a serene-sweet
a blossoming smile - illuminating your face
May be, you were pushed into the role
you suffer now !

Like Oedipus -the King or 'Macbeth-dream'
the father admits and the mother weeps
But -how much was enough ? -may I ask
to the king , -the father -or
is it 'pre-destination' -that decides all outcome !

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



Let Change be s timeljy welcome sight
but not a time for Renenge
let stalwarts on anyside win or fall
in battle of ' Power - range '.

If innocents and deprived are made the pawns
are dumped or killed to win
rather there be the worst of time
with heaven's wrath - for leaders' sin

Don't care to know who comes or goes
but the innocents be not the tool
Let Polititics not be the Canine -Game
nor Mafia's right to Rule..

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sunday, May 15, 2011

I believe in DIVINITY but not in GOD if HE or SHE has a Belly-button or if that God is born out of a Mother ( Ref- Michio Kaku's view in-Parallel Universe).

I do not believe in a God that is regional , Ethnic , Sectarian , Geographical in origin and whose power and gift is limited to only a section of Homo-sap iens or does include all living sphere anywhere or every where.

Just as Electron or proton has no ethnic base and visual identity other than in the sphere of manifestation , my Divinity has no Identity -Card or detectable Shape.

Yes, I believe in 'Grand Design ' of Stephen Hawking but I do not believe that Grand Design is possible without a 'DESIGNER'

I also belive what Stephen Hawiking ,recently said that GOD didnot create the Universe nor his ( every- day ) interference is necessary; I agree here also with extended view and support of VEDANTA -Darshan (no t' phiosophy' that Like a spider bringing out a spider-net out of itself, this COSMOS was projected in the Cosmic -Intelligece- Fied of the Divine........The question of 'Creation' does not arise as , for creation one has to gather material from outside . And The real GOD( my Divinity ) has no outside or inside beyond.
As such the Word CREATION' is a defective term in English vocabulary , if applied in the Field of Divinity. In short, Divinity did not Create Cosmos but ' Manifested ' ITSELF in IT and reflected all manifestations through Spread- out
mirror-effect CONSCIOUS- FIELD , through Conscious -intelligent Homo -Sapiens.

Once the Chess-game was Designed,, even the Inventor himself has to play by its Rule and the Inventor need be present or poke his nose in each Game or Competition . Here also . Stephen Hawking is right.Like Rain-drops coming down from the SKY , rising from the ocean, every thing in the COSMOS is the terminal products of DIVINE-CONSCIOUSNESS ,

Thus is detailed my faith in DIVINITY , Also, I think I am like a PC within Field of limitation and without a n Internet-Connection by Conscious capacity is Limited likes an Eclosed tiny Capsule.

posted by Phani Basu @ 7:07 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

MY Poem


To day , the 9th of May
and 151 year of Rabindra Jayanti day
its 12 noon on the Clock -IST
Should not everyone dance and sing in joy !

yes, they are doing just that
while on TV ,- I learn , as I watch
that Sabina Khatun,- a girl of only seven
poor and thirsty , like the story in 'Les Miserabewhile'
while stealing a watermelon
in the village of Harishchandra -pur
was beaten to deathi i
in front of a full village crowd
of un-masculine men.

While the girl was lying dead
the murderer was allowed to flee
by spineless cowardly men.!

No! -I didnot attend to day
any Rabindra Jayanti fest. or feast.
For me, this Rabindra-day
is smeared with deatth of a hungry child
Sabina Khatun of Harishchandrapur

And my 'Rabindranath' too
died ! -in the divided Land
'West Bengal ' as named -and
with residual Culture dumped
more than six decades back.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

MY LIFE : [Pre-Medical College days ]

Sunday, May 8, 2011
My Life - Pre-Medical -College days
Yes ! it was like "A tale of Two cities ' - the book that i read long long after.{was a riural wild boy , ever happy with and within Nature and did not ,happily , respect books or care much for the Universe outside our 7-villages ( tne name of our school was - Sapta-gram Sammilani -i.e seven -village Unitutary school).Nor had means or infra-structure of modern learning and i am grateful to God for that.. Anyway and retracing back, it was the worst time and best time as told in that great book of Dickens . Worst in tha sense that every day, - some people of other side(region were being stabbed and killed or some nearby area(lower Circular road) burnt to ashes. Once Coming out on Harrison road (now Mahatma G. road) i saw a poor young man runining with his tummy slit out -open. . I was not afarid nor even in agony. It was almost a sadistic joy of all the pains and sense of loss for my the -then codition as a refugee boy. Of course I almost hated all religions and communal attitude later and as i grew. But I learnt that real suffering and up-rooting can turn any ordinary man into an animal. That was the worst time of Post-war famine and communal killing in Benagal as a whole ,inspite of joy of attaining freedom, the value of which could not reveal much in me, -then .
But my joy of personal freedom and experience of big City-life was also overwhelming. , More particulrly the wild -freedom and personal liberty of attending and entering my college-class any time i chose or leave the class in front of the professor generating some sense of pleasure in myself or taking the back -seak ,with like minded friends and join a musical short sesson ( the professor looking helplessly)and behind more than 150 strong students was the first taste of freedom that I really enjoyed in that late 1940s (1947-48) when whole of partitioned- Bengal was an open field of inferno , communal Killing , every week-Strikes and what not else. Every day attending the class we would wait, eagerly, for some 'slogan' of any party and our student- leader immediately stared his practice-session of political slogans and would lead us to the street to our utter joy. The professor looked helpless but was , perhaps not un-happy to be freed from unruly students-crowd , more than hundred in strength.
So it was really my first freedom from strict moral regime of rural life and the outcome was - that I could not fill up even a single copy-book in three months. ........
I was writing poetry by that time and one was even published in college Journal and my prof of Bengali & Maths. liked it( perhaps )! But I came to my senses when , one day, my prof of math . adressed me and asked - what will happen to my future , after I failed in exam. approaching and with my Ist divn , in Maticulation.......!
Already tthe second or final year was to its mid way .{We managed the promise through agitations and strikes that all students of the first year final must be promoted to second year and we made it happen through further agitatios and strikes.. So ,i was really a happy boy in my early second year without caring for my future and lot of liberty to scatter around.
I got the first shock and came to my senses that my father (had his business in Delhi)was determined to put me in Mediacal or Engineering line and my monthly exam score mark in ist quarterly (2nd yr. was beteen 30-40 % --any subject).
Afterwards in ife I heard and learnt about 'SATORI' of Zen -religion and in retrospect I feel that, that was my experience at that time in 1948-march .and I made some U -turn to save my face and father's pride from the advancing disaster waiting ahead and a year after, if I could not reverse.
Posted by Phani Basu at 10:12 PM 0 comments

My Life

MY LIFE 1947 - 49 ;( Snappy sketches)

I came back from my village to Barisal to learn about the reult of matriculation . ..[.got first divn. lettermarks(<80%) in 2-3 subj math,,sanskrit and geography(?)].....More than joy, the uncetainty of living loomed large on us . Worst! - scenarion of Cmmunal -riots with random killing & burning of houses and homes , all over Behgal staged the 'dance of death' and wild inferno was the story of India and with demand for freedom were the larger picture that even a boy of 15 yrs-age like me shall never forget.
Luckily there was no Riot or killing in our town! .Satin Sen the hero of Barisal saved our lives as he was hugely popular. powerful and influencial.Yet every evening the town -sky was filled up with 'Bande-mataram' and 'Alla-ho-Akbar'. We were taken into ' Defense-Clubb' and each of us (Ypung boys) was given a 4 -inch knife for self -defense . I still rememeber that I was to sit ,aone , in the dark with a knfe and nolight behind and 'look-out' in some bush with scores of mosquitoes feeding on our blood and with distant far-away -Allah -ho- Akbar' slogans on the outer margin of Barisal.
By june '47 we came to our village . Our village had about 100-some homes with 90 %muslims. And before 1946, we never knew what Communal clash or riots were! We even used to join Id & Mohurum ceremonials in Muslim hoses and they would join our festivals, moe particulaly , during Puja-time 'theaters' and 'Jatra'.
But the whole mood and mind turned in reverse way after the Famous ' Noakhali - Riot". My father now decided to leave our ancestral home and place and in July'47 we three brothers came to Calcutta for our further studies while the rest of our family members were left behind for the time.
That is how I with my two elder brothers came to KHULNA town by steamer and from there by train to Calcutta. That was a great experience indeed and yet adventerous and exciting! I still remember vividly that, the train was so full or packed and my elder brother had to pay 50 paise to a porter(Kulee) to push - me in through some window. There was no question of a seat and one had to thank heaven if one could get a standing base and could manage to control the bladder and rectum until we reached sealdah and yes, we reached Calcutta as refugee boys.....yet I was so much happy to have experienced a Train -journey first in my life and I was not mature enough to feel or experience the pain of divisin of my mother-land,
I was so excited to be in a tram while coming through Harrison road unto a stop where we got down to get to our temporary shelter on Beniatola lane in one of our relatives' two-room accomodation with eight-heads to live in.
I was admitted in Bangabasi college - Y-section (the last alphabet)and we were 170 students . Bangabasi College ( once a National College ) never refused admition to a refugee boy and was nearest to Seadh train-station.
I had a wish to be in Scotish Church College as there was co-education .I had never enejoyed the closeness of girls of my age as we were not permitted even to be close to our reative-girls in rural life with social strictures.. Though I had a good result and was entitled any coleges but as I reached Calcutta too late (july'47 ), admission in amost all colleges were closed.
But I made a last try .Met Madhusudan Sarkar of Scotish Church college( known to my aunt and even begged for a favour. When he knew that I was already in Bangabasee college ,explored my secret desire /motive in Sherlock Holmes style and became very blunt. He told me ,on the face, that coming from a village and now in Cacutta I was going to be a spolt , do-nothing boy inspite of better possibility. He advised me to concentrate more on books and study than dream of girls'-company and aked me to leave.
That was my first encounter with realities of Calcutta-life.(contd)

Boy-hood with Conscious growth & expeience

1945 - 47

After 1945 , late half I came to District town Barisal and admitted in Brajomohan School (B.M.School) , Barisal , whehere in B,M college my two elder brothers were studying . It was a great experience and excitement.... I can ,almost vividly visuallise the steamer left Nalcity and was nearing the Barisal Town. The visual beauty was so freat treat to my eyes that I kept on staring at the the lights from upper deck of the huge steamer almost mesmarised and as if all the stars from heaven landed down on the bank like a necklace , a sight and experience that only cosmologist , perhaps couldbetter describe when they first looked through the Hubble's telescope.''''..................................................
any way landed down on barisal town ike a boy on the wonderland and was put on a Tonga ( Horse- cart for 4 or 50 and was galloping to wards our destination Kaunia, the north-western part of the Town. The whole way , i was was almost licking on every brick and stone and getting dazzled by street gas-lamps and electric light here and there.
Our place was on the side oa canal and two rooms or a part of a pacca bulding.There was even elrctric light and as if i got every thing in life that a boy of my age could ask for.
I was a class IX -standard boy and there were so many bright ones around me and all accepted the vllage boy like me. My friends were Nripen and and the other Amritavo das Gupya who was so much brilliant that , n later time in 1947, stood @nd in the Matriculation of Calcutta university and got lettermarks in all the subject( a record first).
I shall like to skip over other so many events because it is almost a 65 yrs back-events and my mrmory may not be a full=oroof. But one thing : I can't forget the memory of my walking with my two friends on Barisal Riverbank in the afternoon. ... In after-life I have raored and travelled out of India to Europe to U.S.S and even Russia. I spent almost 17 years in U.S.A . Yet i dare to claim that Barisal River-view was or stil perhaps one of best visual -treat and even now alive within me..
The other memory ,in retrospect,, that incites joyous feeling within me is that Now famous Poet Jibananada Das was teaching in B.M College and I must have seen him many times there or on River banks ,

In 1947 I passed Matriculation and was dreaming of cllge life in B.M college but my dream was shattered like a greek Tragedy and Motherland was stabbed and teared into two and I had leave my mother-kands lap and was transferred to western part of Divided India I.e Calcutta.Certain tragic experienc does not leave after deathand this seperation will ever live with me, even beyond Death.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

AUTOBIOGRAPHY :Sprouting Consciousness

1944-45 Era
['greatest liers are autobiographers' - said Mark Twain and i don't disagree,if it is anything but Truth]

So I shall be selective and print the field of general issues and some perresonal expwiences that I can still remember ,even after coming out side eighty yras of life span.

It was early 1940s when I was in the remotest part of Indian Villege -life where even a bi-cycle was a news or excitement. Of cuourse I was in a school, perhaps class viii or ix and started leaning about the out- side world beyond our villeges and a steamer that steamed with exciting churning noises , creating waves ( the river was in front of our school and initiated lots of imaginations in me.. I was not a bad student by villege standard and our school had good reputation wihin 5 mile-radius.
Of course to m,e the Sun was always rising (did not matter, what the world was doing then) but was ever flat enough for us and as we experienced and it did not matter to me what the Science books said. but one thing bothered me too much.
I had to read 'Dying Sun ' in my text book that told that the Sun was just a burning huge furnace of Coal only and would get finished within measurable time. There was no Einstein -era in our world and that did not make any difference . but of Course Hitler, Big war (W.war II), Netaji Subhash and the knowledge that English People were our' Master' were the scattered outside-knowledge around us and that also did not affect by rural joy and juvenile happiness.
But this burning -out of this limited coal-reserve in the SUN, in my text-book teased my sprouting consciouness first and for long.
It was 1944-45 , perhaps but before the Atom-Bomb dropped on Hiro shima .So, the reader , if there is any, can very well understand where was I on the Cosmic Scale of knowledge with my book of knowledge in my school- syllabus where the SUN was just a burning Coal -reserve, ....... And to day I am reading about "Endless Universes" by Steinherd & turok ! ...
.Metamorphosis of what !!(contd)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


DILEMA [Election - India ]

To vote or not to vote ; that is the Question
If the PM can be absent from voting , being pre-occupied
why can't I do the same -or
where violence or mafia-norm is the way
why should i risk my life ?
Sermons and quotations are very good
for commercial political dream
or for gaining power through distorted means
even if titled 'Democratic -scheme'

To vote or not to vote ; is the burning issue to me
when, in democracy , even vultures fill up sky
or hayenas and hounds are prowling the land
how to face it or escape or- otherway - try !

To vote or not to vote ; or , be pre-occupied
when Chaos and murder the tide
for mfia-fans and nowhere to go
or even a hole to hide !

Friday, April 15, 2011

AUTO -BIOGRAPHY ; 1974 -Event

Article Comments 25K: Govt's offer for athlete who lost leg
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: April 14, 2011 13:38 IST
Bareilly: Twenty three-year-old national level volleyball player Arunima Sinha lost her leg on Wednesday after she was
pushed out of a train in Uttar Pradesh by three men who were trying to rob her. Her attackers are still at large.
And I am still alive by sheer plasy of good luck ! My name is Dr.P.Basu M.D [Cent. Govt EX- Medical Specialist]
I had identical Experience and would have died but providence decided otherwise.
Strangely it was , perhaps the same area in 1974 , when I was travelling from Delhi in , also , a sleeper train with my wife three childen, my broyher with his family to attend the marriage of my youngest brother in Allahabad.
They were three to five mafias ( seemed to me and proved later by p
olice arrest).
They forcibly occupied our reserved seat and I challenged them and the fight got ignited as ( My sister in law loved wearing ornaments and might have attracted them.
In short when one of them threw my handi capped nephew , i hit him with my fist and then I knew who they were . Three or four dragged me and one hit me on my left eye and could not any bthing for a second (got abind swolleneye) . Next moment I knew iwas being dragged to the door ( to be thrown out -perhaps ). My quck reflex to survive heped me and i gripped hard the testicles of one of them and bsquized hard and clenched, though I knew I was going to thrown and would die.
But Providence decided otherwise and the train entered Allahabad Station-patform and they tried to leave. Luck again helped me and a Rly. Police men happened to be near the door.
I introduced me as a class I, Cent. Govt. Doctor and asked him to arrest the man for Crime . The Police-man saw my bleeding -swollen blind left eye and Caught that one .

The further detaiing will make a suspense story . ....In short three were arrested and gold-chains aand bangles were recovered from them( robbed from other trains). Ant when at police station , the senior officer advised me not to walk out or stay more than the days most necessary as this was a dangerous gang and under powerful poltician, I respected his advice and complied with. but the case was registered and I came back to Allahabad after about three months.

I recall and write here remembering and respecting that young lady Arunima.
* There are still witnesses of this event & police case-record too in Allahabad Court.
Posted by Phani Basu at 1:26 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


TWO SISTERS {Experimental poetry ]

Two sisters I learnt about in Bible
who were liberated by Jesus

Two sisters , I knew about from
Kathamrita of Sri M -
who were blessed by Rama krishna
and lived so happily -ever since

They were both and in either events
ever spinisters or un-married as told

In my life as an octogenarian
whie in Konnagar , I came to know
two sisters and both of them un-married
and nearly of my age and cutured too
well off and both with beauty and grace
with some inner glow and happy face

Feel so fortunate tohave these friiends
with their brother and his wife and son
all living together with pets in numbers
as if they have evrything and all around !
*** ***** ***** *****
And , -to day I Iearn from Media
two sisters both un- married too
living in Noida of Delhi -metropol
they had every thng in life - money and home
suffering depression and meaning-ess life
loclked up within ---mind & soul
also from people all around
and none to love or hate or communicate'
;and when rescued - one died of the two.

They had only a pet that also died
a year before ; thus everything lost
inspite of everything they had once
but the soul , when empty -the world is lost !

Friday, April 1, 2011


MEDIA - Techs. ,now, rule the World
Billions of brains, en-twined by unified link
Jet -Plane Boredom soothed by shapely feminine smiles
hormones dance and catalyst-'drink' excites

Motropols flourish where Sales- Girls smile
as if, - they are, foreve,r made for you.
You feel smart and young with early bald-
Lap -top or Note pad ,cell-phone othe wise -
I- pods , Face-book has bought your time and life
whole -sale !
Where is time to think : why you were bor n
or to analyse your dream yourself
you are programmed ,now, in Electro- tricks
you are wired up to respond through bits and clicks

Only strip-tease and Night- clubs can excite now
OR a concealed Drug , mow ,your waiting friend.


Life goes on and Death too
FUKUSHIMA tragedy with
Ten thousand instant death
CIties and towns washed and drowned
Radiation death three miles beyond
JAPAN 's fate to suffer
Nuclear -death , -once more,

Life goes on and also Death
Libia burns in POLITICAL fire
Tyrany and tragedy dance
hand in hand

Life goes on and also Death
Poitics stages the Dance of Death
in Kolkata, Election Plays its roe
Guns and missiles in democratic way.

Life goes on Inspite of Death
WORLD-CUP festival marches its way
like ksunami , over-flooding any other-life
Seems, LIVING must Stage its PLAY!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The GANGA after the Super-Moon Night

40 G.T Road , KONNAGAR -- after SUN- Rise

Came to meet you, - the Morning -sun
a little late , though, from my side
7. am , the Ganga,- thou flowing full
high-tde , now restin cam.

viewed the Super- Moon -smile
and cotton -wool foating clouds
on Ocean- sky
The First Super- full -Moon
of this green -aged Century now
with payfield of Silvery -night
And 'GANGA' -now
resting full with liquid life.

To day ,is another morn
like molten silver, over- flowing banks
and golden hue embroidered
Fisher men in tiny boats
sailing with their dreams floating around
waving like in honey -moon joy
of tropical life

And my migrating soul
resting reclined
on my balcony Chair..



And someone
somewhere I heard
walked the night with a torch in hand
to help the baby- Sun
as guide, to ligt up the path
for the next sunrise.

Do not analyse -to know
if its true or not
nor surmise
as each one has his way
to assess or analise.

The vast canvas
of Moon-lit, evening sky
in front of my balcony
The Ganga flowing high
Pigments of floating clouds
dark or silvery hue
painting myriad shapes
of iving life !

The dancing waves
reflecting light
from playing baby- moon
enllivens again
my sun-set life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Some tmes, - I feel
floatong out of me
when all vibrations of life and living
like some supreme symphony
muse in sublime harmony

On Octave , -they float or swim
I feel without knowing -- whence it rise
nor can rationalise
what is mine or what is not
the hyacinth that floats on Ganga , so leisurely
the birds that wings, the breeze
the neighboring baby that jumps in joy
the fishing boats, the floating clouds
as if , my myriad vibrating extensions out of me
like unitary existence
of Conscious me
or, some subtle ,musing symphony !
------------------[ Composed 5 pm IST )

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Man or human being is a complex or sophisticated Anmal with composite structure of Physical - Vital - Mental - Psycic and Spiritual sed embeded within. Thus he is like a Five storey House , seperated by floors and roofs yet integrated and infiltrated at all levels like the ATMOSPHERE itself with divisions like Troposphere ,stratospphere , Mesospfere , ionosphere etc without definite boundary wall or sharp line of seperation, yet integrated and infiltrated with fusion and invisivibe integration.
Even a single storey house must have a Ground floor and a roof. The roof becomes the First floor as built up further.Similar is the story of Biologic Man.
This , potentially Five- storey man is an Animal- Man at the Base with Desire to Exist and survive with the help of an in- built Vital force(Power-House or 'Prana' -life force). And then it desires to expand and recycle into physical immortality through Reproduction and physical expansion through Mammonic forces..
Beyond this physical status is the Emotional man with Heart as the guiding Master and with inflow of higher feeling from Psychic Center ( Mind-intelligence and soul Complex).
Here the MAN first wants to be a Social man ,Expansive-conscious Man with out -flow beyond his own boundary and want to spread and permeate like the fragrance of a flower bordering the outer edge of life..
This is the field of Scholars ,philisophers , Leaders , Artists, Poets , Philanthropists.
Here Man the Homosapien in his ascent is becoming a Global Man under the influence of Balancing effet of Endocrene -orchestral Musical Play of Subtle Mystery of Cosmic BIOLOGY with integrating Consciousness.
Now the man with his Spiritual blending , already potential & sprouting , if he is selected for GENETIC gift , the THIRD EYE of Man opens up and the Global MAN ,at the level of Peneal Gland- Source becomes a COSMIC Man and can see through future or know beyond the physical vision and for him the TOTAL VISION becomes his normal Vision. And the SAINTS and AVATARS are born here , as representatives of Divinity or First Cause.

My experience with a SHI NTO - ITE

Rana BoseState of Calm :
9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

Rana BoseLoading...9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

Reply |Rana Bose to me
show details 9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

State of Calm :

Reply |Phanibhusan Basu to Rana
show details 4:35 PM (16 hours ago)
It , perhaps ,can't be leant. It's,perhaps, a Racial ,Ethnic or Cultural or Genetic quality . SHITOISM is Pre-Budhistic Tribal /Aborigin Natural insticts in Japanese people (May be originally from Main and China and belongs to Pre-Axial Semitic quality.{ coud not open Wikipedia --shall try again )
Well , now I am having some hazy vision. As told before SHINTO is Pre -Axial Civillisation, Regionital and tribal faith and not a recoded religion . Like Shaibic (pre-Aryan) faith with poythyestic and Tantric bent like pre-vedic faith of Bharat(pre -Aryan).[" Bull, SHIVA & MOTHER- Shakti of Nature" ]. The real sourc of Tantric Path ( e.g Tantrvilashir Sadhu Sanga) came from CHINA and Develped more in Tobet (7th Century A,D)
These are all Academic dance. I had the real association with a friend , Dr. Songut Sorasuchart M.S, whom I admired , envied but never could follow . It was impossible. I told you , I believe , Shintoism is a Racial or Ethnic trait ( ? Genetic property of Mongolian or Yellow people. They can remain naturally calm in the worst Crisis while we ( Indians ) can not..
NOw the experience :
There were 2 days only left for submission of our Thesis and none of us had yet revised our respective Thesis.... At 8 pm Songuit was dressing up for a marriage Party at Thai embassy and would not come before 1 am. I was almost angry !( He loved me so much and had great faith in my ability) . And ...he left for the Party and I was worried about him so much that I could not read t hrough my Own thesis.. I was feeling sorry for him and his sure- loss of time and the chance of his timely submission. ..And I was rehearsing the way I would scold him .....I went to bed at 12 in the night wthout doing any thing and toosing under the Quilt(winter in Delhi).
Songut came back from the Party at 1 am ,brought out the water heater ...had a bath and sat on his chair with a cup of hot cofee made by himself and pulled out his thesis and started working. . I was peeping all the time and atarted blaming him for wasting so much time . He was laughing loud in his 'Racial'- style and told ;
'Dr. Basu , my thesis is for my own success and future but how can I so -NO - to my siater's invitation and by duties to my realatives ( I was looking On) and he went on - 'see, now I have to make good the loss of 5 hurs i.e until. 6-30 in the morning. You better go to sleep and I shall wake you up at 7 am.'..........
He did nod not had to for, I did neither did work nor could sleep that night........ and was just watching his calm persuit.
I stiil dream to see this 'GURU 'of Thailand , at least once before I leave this world ! I can not expain SHINTOISM but I did live with one practising it - for about two years(1960s).

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Rana Bose wrote:


Sunday, March 13, 2011



The Stage
for Dance of DEATH
like Cloud- Burst or Solar-flare
or beyond all human power of Expression
it came or, - burst upon
from the womb of Earth - like Black-hole or Hell
from mother Nature herself !
And like those early mistakes of man -
Hiroshima, Nagasiki or Charnobyl or
the game of Human Ego or mistakes!

This time it was Nature herself
giving final warning to mankind's Energy -thirst
or playing with Nuclear -fire , - Thermal Plants
scattered all over the Globe
some with crazy and novice-hands!

We never know and nobody can ever guess
how the disolution Game for the final game
has been planned
by Nature or the Supreme LORD !

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


{After current news of TAX EVASION in India &....}

So much of your wealth was so litte Hasan
how much would be -Enough, -now
[Can you tell me your final stand]
A Wheel - chair is now your greatest treasure
And ICU your escape door
and can you explain -how!

Only 2-meter length one's final need
Tolstoy told it long before
even with bilions of dollars , now hidden somewhere
you are suffering HELL

And Richard-the -third of Shakespeare's play
in his final flight
''My kingdom for my horse' - he cried and cried
wit his pathetic plight
{you had so many horses ! - now all trash!]

How much is enough in some one's life
Your 'darling Wheel chair' - or
An ICU -Escape in some NURSUNG HOME
to escape all the coming horror !