Friday, May 31, 2013

     FOR   ALL   AND   ALL OVER .
By  Pr.  P Basu  M.D; Now  Retd   for  25  years
 and  Legendary  Poet, , USA.
Submitted    on the  basis   of   nowledge  and  experience
of  1960 - research  THESIS  for  his  M.D .
his  was  when WATSON &  CREEK 's   REVOLUTIONARY  RESEARCH  on  DNA  was  Born ,(perhaps).
My  thesis  ( 1958 - '60) was  to  prove  genetic   ETEOLOGY    of    Diseases  based   on  A-B-O   Blood Group  in  people  of   India . and  also   observation  of  world  pattern  of  blood  Groups .

Conclusion  and  Advice  to  All  People   All  Over :

 I    Every  one   should  know  his /her  A-B-O  Bl. Gr   as  his   Biological  ID  ( More  important  than
      one's   PAN  Number)  .
II . If  you  are  Blood  Gr. O (  Common  in   India ) you   have  chance  to   Peptic  Ulcer ( Duodenal -
      more,  which may  lead  even to  Cancer) . This  was  proved  before  me  also.
III. If  you  are  Bl. Gr. B , (  Commoner  in  India ) You  are  more  prone  to  Cancer  Cheek   and  less
      prone   to  Cancer  tongue
IV .If  you  are  Bl. Gr.  A ( only  23 % in  Idea +/-) , you  are  very  prone  to
     Cancer  tongue ( Proved with  Statistical  significance- Khai  square ;x-square) (don't  mistreat  tongue
     with   sharp/ broken  teeth  or  tongue -biting  / burning  habits .
    You  are  also prone   to  GI  tract .  Cancers   and  Cirrhosis  of  Liver ;  so  keep a watch  on your
    drinking   and  assaulting  food  habits
V . About  AB   group , I  have  no new  finding  except my  old  knowledge  that   they   are   even   below
     teen -age  class , percentage  was  and  we  are  all  either  Rh -positive  ( 85 %)   or  Negative (15 %).
    and  it  is  important  in  Blood -transfusion cases .( not  this  issue ).
This  Theis  -Work of  1958-1960 , was  submitted   for  my  M.D  to  DELHI  UNIVERSITY , INDIA, through   Maulana  Azad  Medical College , Irwin Hospital , Delhi.
Pr.  P.S . Gupta  M.D  was  my  Guide , My  Friend  and  more  optimistic about  my  works  than  myself.
This was  accepted  and  yet  I  left  my  studies  on personal ground  and  disappointed  him, my  best  well-wisher  then .
This   THESIS  was  not  published  even  after  my  M.D ( while  in  Service) and  should   be  lying ( dumped or  otherwise ) somewhere  in  DELHI  UNIVERSITY.
[ I have  mu  personal  Copy  with me , still gasping ]
This  was  the  Time  when   WATSON  &  CREEK   also was  carrying  with  their  research  , somewhere  else , and  revolutionized  the  World  with  GENETIC and as  aftermath  received  Nobel Prize.
My  query  was  based  on ;
Why   some  of  us  suffer  from  certain  diseases  while  some other  do  not , even if   exposed  to   SAME  CONDITIONS  -- SOMETIMES !!!
Obama,  you  are  good  and  great  I  know 
and  you   proved ,- you  are  capable  too
The  way  , you  alone, once,  took  the   risk
and   eliminated  the   'ONE ';  yes  only  YOU !

But  what  was  the  need  to  fool   a  weak
 and  tease   one  as  a GURU , and hurt  then   more
 I  know  your  Plan : 1.3  billion  market-strength ( waiting)
and   with   economic  strain  , you   want  to  sell.

You  got  your  Posting  by  an  open  Debate
 You  are  now President  by  People's  Vote
why  play   or   trick &  trap a  BPL - agent
who  was  pushed  in  through  back-door in  democratic  -coat .

Jobless  Immigrants   that  were  kjcked  out  of  Land
became   N-R-I,  now   the   'Golden -hen'
now  'some '  lick  their  butt   on  dollar-terms 
and  scams  and  corruption , -their  means  and  aim .
___________________________________  .

Today,  Received  a letter  fro  AXIS  BANK(  43  G, .T. road, Konnagar ,  in  your  Name c/o me

 Your  i  Connect Net  booking  - cover  with  code no   sealed  within .
Should  I  keep  it  till  you  come .
 Or  advise .

 If want  it  transported  to  you  soon , can  take  help  of  Bishwa ,  who  helped  me  with  my  share  transfer and  I  can  ask  him , as  U  suggest .
All  else  O,K  here .
লাবন্য প্রভা  মাতৃ -  স্মৃতি -প্রতিস্থান 
(অল্পবয়সী  আর্থিক   অসঙ্গতি -সম্পন্ন   ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের   সাহায্যের  জন্য )

একমাত্র পরিচালক  ও  নির্ধায়ক :  ড : ফণী ভূষণ  বসু ।
ঠিকানা  :  ৪১ এফ   জি .টি।  রোড ,  কোন্নগর , হুগলী -৭১২২৩৫ ।
বি :  দ্র  ।  মাত্র   আপন   তহবিল  হইতে ।
প্রতিষ্ঠা  দিন : ৩১  মে ,  শুক্রবার , ২০১৩ । 
আবেদন পত্রের  নমুনা  ।

          আবেদন কারী :
                             নাম  --
                             পরিচতি --
                             ঠিকানা --

         মাসিক  আয় :
         ছাত্র /ছাত্রীর   নাম / বয়স / শিক্ষামান /  পরিচিতি  ও  সম্পর্ক  ।

অনুমোদন কারী ।

               ২ ।

  চুড়ান্ত  সিদ্ধ্বান্ত  গ্রহণ -কারীর   মন্তব্য   ও  সাক্ষর (  তারিখ  সহ ) ।


Public  donation  by  A/c paayee  cheque / full  adress/ PAN  no (if  Tax Payer).
 And  UN-conditional . 


Thursday, May 30, 2013


As  not  empowered--so
feel  so  miserable  or  paralused--by 
 what  I  see   all-around  in my  daily  life 
myself !

Like  Prometheus - bound 
am  tied  to  the  Oceanic  vast 
and   stony  adverse  life 
falcons  and  vultures   fly   
so  many    around !

Corrupt  Mammon habit , now 
 is the  commodity  of
cunning  advanced and  
trading  habits  of  hungry  wolves
and   like  a leper , I   balm   my  wound !

Wish  !  I   was  Hercules  - and 
 could  lift   this   carnivore   World ----up
 Crush  It  on  some  Granite  alien  Space
laugh  out  loud  to   Zeus - Sky  
and  die  at  once!
Cpmposed : 31/05/2013, 11 - 15  am ( IST) ;  by  Hiranmoy  Gautom .


MAN   is  the  most ' Intelligent   -Animal ' on this  Planet
most  Dangerous  and  Corrupt  too
He   has  mastered  the  skill   to   go  for a shooting  Sport
after  full -tummy  or ' five-Star ' -meal
though  some  times,  miss  the  lucky  bird
and  wound  his  own  friend , as  is  learnt
like  some  Amrikan  V-P  , (  I  read  in report ).

Other  animals  obeys  the  Rules
of  Mother - Nature, as known
 even  in   Mating  and rearing  child
 or   community -life,  for  collective   growth.
The  most  intelligent  of    all   Animal -race
now  has  Mastered   the 'WMD-  Art'  of  WARS
and   a-massed too  -----------
thousands  of  NEUTRON  Bombs-  and  what   else  not
to  DESTROY  the  WORLD  100   times or more
(but  where  will  be  the World  after  the  First ? )
is  beyond  me  to  report!

Top  most  Class  is  the  most  dubious  now
CORRUPT  in SPORT , COMMERCE  and  'Game- Fixing'  ' Art
The  Topmost  few  now  control   Land , Sea  and   Sky
 using 'MAJORITY -VOTE' as    'Democratic -(Ace) Card'
Fox, Hyenas  ,  Falcons ;- no  match  to   ' Minority -Top'
 however  you   write  or  edit    your  script-------------
the  final  out-come   is , now  it  seems to  me
the  Global  * B.P.L ---  has  no   Chance .
Composed  :31/05/2013 ;  8 am , IST , *B,P,L ( Below  Poverty Line )

May. 30, 2013

Physicist clarifies Higgs boson in human terms

Why did the journal Science name the Higgs boson – an elementary particle – last year’s most important discovery? And why did it need something as enormous as the Large Hadron Collider, about 27 kilometers in diameter, to find it?
Peter Wittich, associate professor of physics involved in the discovery of the Higgs boson last July, answered a peppering of questions at the Science Cabaret May 28 in Ithaca.
Wittich explained to the packed crowd that the Large Hadron Collider works by smashing beams of protons together, with the collisions recorded by cameras taking 40 million pictures a second. “We think of ourselves as big data pioneers,” said Wittich, describing the analysis necessary to find significant events. “It’s the ultimate needle in a haystack. Out of 6 million billion collisions there are maybe 100,000 Higgs events, and we can find maybe 1 percent of them.”
Taking the audience on a fast-paced journey through basic particle physics, Wittich outlined a fundamental problem with the Standard Model of particle physics: It predicts a symmetry in which all particles have zero mass – which experiments have conclusively disproven. “So you could throw out the model, or you could try to fix it, and that’s what we did,” said Wittich. “We found a way to keep the symmetry but break it in a subtle way: It’s called spontaneous symmetry breaking.”
This is what the Higgs field does, Wittich told the crowd. It breaks the symmetry between particles and gives them all masses, interacting with the particles via the Higgs boson.
“The Higgs field permeates space,” Wittich said. “Mass is the property that governs how particles interact with the Higgs field. Heavier particles bump into the field more, so they have more mass; lighter particles interact with the field less, so they have less mass. The photo, a massless particle, goes through without interacting at all.”
Not content with a verbal explanation, Wittich created a human illustration. People in the front row formed a staggered line a foot apart and called it a Higgs field. Wittich then played the part of a heavy particle, bumping into the lines as he made his way between them. A small woman, so slight that she could easily walk between the lines without bumping into anyone, portrayed a light particle.
Wittich maintains audience attention through humor: In response to a question he confessed that the Standard Model “doesn’t actually know anything about gravity, which is kind of embarrassing because that’s the first force we encounter as babies when we fall over.”
“He certainly has an engaging way of presenting information,” said Ithaca resident Tom Ruscitti. “I’d read about the Large Hadron Collider in the news, but his description of the Higgs boson put it all into perspective.”
“Research is important,” noted Ithaca resident Neil Oolie. “Bringing it out to the masses – which is us – is part of that. Get kids involved, get kids interested and the next thing you know they’re working on their Ph.D.s.”
The Ithaca Science Cabaret is a free monthly event organized by local professors, graduate students and members of the Ithaca community, held at Lot 10, 106 S. Cayuga St.
Linda B. Glaser is staff writer for the College of Arts and Sciences.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Went  to  a   Temple  to  be  a Religious  person :

The  Priest(asked  me ):   which  one  ;   KRISHNA  , RAMA  ,  HANUMAN  ?
Me =  The  ONE   that   CREATED  all  of  them .
Prst,    Tell  his  name
Prst     There  is   no  HINDU  GOD    By  that  name .
Me == There was ;  I  heard  and   the  word  'Hindu'  is  a Persian  slan---
Prst :    Get  Out  .
             I  JUMPED  OUT !
WENT  TO   A   A  CHURCH   for  Conversion  or inversion .
The  Priest(asked me ) :  Which   branch : CATHOLIC ,  PRESBYTERIAN , QUAKER , MORMON  ?
 Me  =         FIRST   CAUSE     The    DIVINE , whom  BRUNO   Searched  and  was  murdered .
The  Prst. :   What  is    that  ?
Me   =         One  with  no  belly  Button  and   no  REDEMPTION -FEE.
  Prst :         Get  OUT ; will  you ?

And  I   RAN   OUT  .
 - -  -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---
Then  went  to  a  MOSQUE  :
The  Mullah( asked  me ) :    What  you  want ?
 Me =  I  want  to  EMBRACE  ISLAM .
Mul.    Which  one  :  SHIITE , SUNNI   or   AHMED- - --- -
Me  =   Only  ISLAM    or    ALLAH  with  5  PILLARS.
MULL :   Are  you  crazy  or  mad  ?
Me  =  Both   &  ran fast .
Came  to the  near by  Forest ( wild --> not  Central Park ) :

The  old man was  sitting  alone  and  smiling  to himself   and  looking  UP  or  all around .
Me  =  Whom   are  you   waiting for  and   how  long  ; for  whom  ?

    He  signed  to  me  to  keep  silence  and  gestured  to me  to  sit  beside .
Me   =  Feeling  disturbed  ?  ------ waiting  for  some  one .

He was  still  silent  and  answered  with  his  nod  and  again  gestured  to  me  to  sit  beside .

And  I  did ;  as  I  knew   --- he 'GOT  IT '  !!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Some  desire   cherished ; some  dreams  I  nourished
some  hope  too  embraced ;   within me .
Even  twigs in  garden, - held  up    buds
and   that inspired  my  soul;   more  within !

The  storm  or  drought  or  even  the flood
were they  my  fault  and  may  I ask
There  was   time  and  season  too
but  nothing  blossomed :know  this  much .
(Transliteration of  my  Bengali   Poem  0f  1977  , Published  from  Calcutta , India and  submitted  below )
28/05/2013 , 10  am , IST.

কিছু   ইচ্ছা   ছিল ,  কিছু   তৃষ্ণা   ছিলো 
কিছু    স্বপ্ন    ছিল  , -- বুঝি,  এই  প্রাণে 
ছোট্ট   ডালে ও   ফুল   ফুটেছিলো 
তাই   দেখে  লোভ   এই   প্রাণে 
ঝড় ,  বাদল   বা  অনাবৃষ্টি 
সে   সব  দোষ  , --- আমার  ছিলো  ?
ডালে   লগ্ন  ছিল  ------তবু  সে  ফুটলো  না !
Bengali  poem  from (Book:  Mon  Mayur (1977), Calcutta).

This  planet  
Or  the  World   as  we  know it
has  reached  
some   Dimensional   Cross-Road - Jam
it seems !
Homo sapiens   have  reached  their  given  height
or ---more  in  reality  , --have  failed 
in  his  Conscious  Voyage.

The Root  or  that ' Freudian   Theme '!
 --the  dominating    Spinal -Man
has  become  the  ruling   MASTER  --now 
Or  more  maybe---
 the " Brave  New  World"   of  Huxley 
 has  won the  Game .

 Or , like   " Master-Builder"'s  hero
 the  achiever   is  on the  Top of   his  Ascent
perhaps ---
counting   in   reverse,  his ' Zero - moment '  now 
from  his  Own-Built - height
for  the  Final  FALL !.
[Coposed  :  27/05/2013. 10 pm , IST. konnagar;  by  Hiranmoy  Gautom ( Dr. P.basu M.D) ]

See realtime coverage

Maoists states should to take steps that Chhattisgarh did not: home ministry

Hindustan Times - ‎22 minutes ago‎
Brilliant !
Admitting  "Maoist  States " !!!
What a   great   Political  STATEMENT , --I think  !

Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Weak - kneed  BCCI  falls  in  Line  as  Srinivasan  refuses  to  quit " -  T.O.I , L,  Kolkata , 27/ 05/ 2013 .monday ;  Front Page .
I  think  ,  he  has  the   right  quality   to  be  a  PM , somewhere !


And   once  again :

 ZEUS   scanned  and  smiled  , ---to  react
And   mother  NATURE  read  the  SCRIPT
firm  and  loud !
enacted  the   PLAY.
Too  much   abstract  , even  for  Obama  to  Understand !

An  Indian  Sage  of  20Th  Century  told ---
All  Nature's  Calamities:  Tornadoes ,  Cyclones , or  Quakes  of  Earth 
even  World - Wars  are  but 
the  Art  of  ' Balancing  Act  of   DIVINE '
 through Mother  Nature.

Human  intelligence  however  gifted  or  sharp
is  not  even a  speck  of  dust  or  dot
to  Cosmic - In-Built  plan 
 and  what  we  do not  understand  and  call 
'Chaos - Syndrome ' or 'UN-certainty  Prniciple'
maybe !   to  us -- but  not  to  the  DIVINE --or
The  First  Cause .
[Composed : 27/05/2013;  8 am  IST, konnagar , by  Hiranmoy  Gautom ( Dr. P. Basu  M.D)]

Saturday, May 25, 2013


' Leave  sports   to the  sports-men   and  law  to    --------' etc ,
And  I  only  added :
  ' and  leave  corruption  to the  corrupt ' .
Was  I  wrong ??

একটু  দাঁড়াও ,  যাবার  আগে   দুঃখ  করা  থাক 
একটু  দাঁড়াও   ,  ছল- ছলনার   ফাঁক   থাকে  তো   থাক 
জীব ন  ?  -  সে  তো   সুতোয়-কাটায়   উল-বনানোর  খেলা 
লাল  সবুজের   ঘর   বোনা   আর   ভিতর - ভিতর    ফাঁক  ।।
(  Composed  &  Published  2002 , India )

Transliteration:( 5/25/2013; 5pm, IST)

Wait  a while ,  futile   now  to  regret  when   depart
Wait  a while ,  if  traps  &  tricks were there , let -  be there
Life  ? - is  but  a  knitting -game  with  needles  and  wool 
Spectrum - play  of  red  and  green  with  scattered  gaps  in between .

Friday, May 24, 2013

Where   or  whatever  way  I  was
there ever  nothing  is  now
whichever  way  I  was  so  long
all  dispersed   with  expanded  space  and  air
 Conscious -state  flies  high  , as  if , a   bird
released  from  cage
 flying  on  higher  Space  with  spread-out  wings
and  all - alone .

Cerulean  sky  on  lap  of    Cosmic Space - as if
the  Universe  is -- but  my  own  transformed  state
 of  existence, expression  and  manifesting  Consciousness.
 And ,  where  I  was  bound,  all  my  life
it  seem  , now    an   'Open- Air  Stage'  !

The  Sky  melting  in  higher  Sky
 and  the  Soul  --- ----
an  eternal  Space  !
(Transliteration   of  Bengali Poem   ' UTTORON '    , 24/ 05/'13,  9 - 30  pm  IST )

Nine years of UPA: What makes Sonia Gandhi the real hero

Firstpost - ‎May 23, 2013‎
From fighting over imported dog biscuits with her sister-in-law Maneka Gandhi to leading a nation of a billion-plus people, the Italian-born Congress president Sonia Gandhi has indeed come a long way.

May  I  salute  Her  as  a  TRIBUTE  !
In the   EARLY  phase (1990-s ) , the  whole   of  India  stood  against  her   holding  the  position   of    PM.
Now  with  the  strength  of  her  TALENT, she   is   more  Powerful  than   even  a ' PM  -ship' , an  appointed  POST  , -I  think .

Nine years of UPA: What makes Sonia Gandhi the real hero

Firstpost - ‎May 23, 2013‎
From fighting over imported dog biscuits with her sister-in-law Maneka Gandhi to leading a nation of a billion-plus people, the Italian-born Congress president Sonia Gandhi has indeed come a long way.

May  I  salute  Her  as  a  TRIBUTE  !
In the   EARLY  phase (1990-s ) , the  whole   of  India  stood  against  her   holding  the  position   of    PM.
Now  with  the  strength  of  her  TALENT, she   is   more  Powerful  than   even  a ' PM  -ship' , an  appointed  POST  , -I  think .

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I   THINK  , UNDER   UPA  II,   The TOP   NEWS      IN   INDIA , These days :  (  Googles  News -24 May , '13) 


LIVE IPL spot-fixing: Meiyappan unlikely to be questioned before end of IPL 6

Zee News - ‎1 hour ago‎

Sex charge against Phaneesh Murthy may be settled out of court

 AND :

Match - Fixing  or   CHEAT - FUND  (  STATE  Level ).

All in Abundance .

Choose  your  own line  (  May opt.  out  too ).
Firstpost - ‎26 minutes ago‎
21ST.   CENTURY   POEM  - 25/ May/ 2013
Is  it   local  ?  Is it   Global ?
Is  it Political , Ethnic  or  Economic  Divide
What  is it??
Is  it  Mutation   or   inherent  in  Human -Genes
I  do  not  know  yet ; but  who  can  tell
and  educate  me !

Is  it  a  disease --and   what    is  DISEASE
Or , -  Clash  of   Civilized  forms
Maybe --- neither  and    I  do  believe
or   maybe , an  In-built  breach
like  the  depth  and  DIVIDE  of  GRAND CANYON
and    of   MILLENNIUMS - AGE .

Where  is   the  ROOT ?   How  it  forms
War  &  Peace  are   not  separate  terms
PEACE  is  --all  WARS'  aftermath  Dream
Or  WAR   for PEACE , -   NATURE'S  final  term
for  Evolving   Conscious  Homo -Sa'piens    on  EARTH .

All  WARS  are in-built  state  for   peace
PEACE  is  integrated  in  TERMINAL  Wars
The  COSMOS   was  designed  with ' CHAOS ' -Themes


80 Year-Old-Man Climbs Everest, Breaks Record

Wall Street Journal - ‎53 minutes ago‎
Yuichiro Miura, an 80-year-old adventurer, reached the summit of Mount Everest around noon Japan time on Thursday, becoming the oldest person ever to do so.
See realtime coverage

Terror victim was serving soldier: UK police

The Hindu - ‎58 minutes ago‎
The British government's emergency committee met on Thursday after two attackers butchered a British soldier in a daylight attack in London that raised fears terrorism had returned to the capital.
The Guardian
  -  Google+
Today's front page 23 May : Woolwich attack: 'you people will never be safe' Interview: woman who challenged attackers Witnesses: 'They were hacking at him'