Friday, May 10, 2013

  (It  was  Sacrifice  of  ANIMAL-Instict   in  us)
GEETA : Ch 9  ;  Sl  27
( Phonetic  Sanskrit in  Roman  Script ):

Jot  KorOshi  Jodoshnaasi Jozzuhosi  dodaasi  jot |
Jot  Toposyosi  Kounteyo  tot  kurushwo  Modorpnom ||

Transliteration ( by  HGT.)
What ever  you  do or   whatever   eat , what  ever   you  adore  or  give  |
Whatever  you  meditate   upon, oh, Arjuna, do it  after  offering   those   me   ||

Commentary :  By  Cosmic  Rationality  &  UNITARY  thesis, as   all    and  every thing  belong  to  or  come  out  of that   Grand- Designer,  Humanity  is  being  advised  here    to   offer  everything  first  to  GOD  and then  consume  or  enjoy  it .
As  such , it  is  worth  advising  even  buying Chicken  or  Beef  from  ACME in USA . even   , to  first  remember the  Divine   and  offer   it  to  God  before  cooking  or biting   it .
In  Vedanta  it was  advised  to  sacrifice the  animal-instinct  in  us  and  not  an  innocent  goat  to  hide  or  cover  our  animal  instinct  by  an  'Exchange-value'.
 This  I  was  forced  to  put  down   after  reading  in Internet  that  some  Banshal    sacrificed  his  goats  to the  divine  to save  his   'Lucrative' POST  in  Political life ! -----
I think  , this  is  'ANIMAL-Instinct '  personified !

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