Monday, May 27, 2013

This  planet  
Or  the  World   as  we  know it
has  reached  
some   Dimensional   Cross-Road - Jam
it seems !
Homo sapiens   have  reached  their  given  height
or ---more  in  reality  , --have  failed 
in  his  Conscious  Voyage.

The Root  or  that ' Freudian   Theme '!
 --the  dominating    Spinal -Man
has  become  the  ruling   MASTER  --now 
Or  more  maybe---
 the " Brave  New  World"   of  Huxley 
 has  won the  Game .

 Or , like   " Master-Builder"'s  hero
 the  achiever   is  on the  Top of   his  Ascent
perhaps ---
counting   in   reverse,  his ' Zero - moment '  now 
from  his  Own-Built - height
for  the  Final  FALL !.
[Coposed  :  27/05/2013. 10 pm , IST. konnagar;  by  Hiranmoy  Gautom ( Dr. P.basu M.D) ]

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