Thursday, May 30, 2013


As  not  empowered--so
feel  so  miserable  or  paralused--by 
 what  I  see   all-around  in my  daily  life 
myself !

Like  Prometheus - bound 
am  tied  to  the  Oceanic  vast 
and   stony  adverse  life 
falcons  and  vultures   fly   
so  many    around !

Corrupt  Mammon habit , now 
 is the  commodity  of
cunning  advanced and  
trading  habits  of  hungry  wolves
and   like  a leper , I   balm   my  wound !

Wish  !  I   was  Hercules  - and 
 could  lift   this   carnivore   World ----up
 Crush  It  on  some  Granite  alien  Space
laugh  out  loud  to   Zeus - Sky  
and  die  at  once!
Cpmposed : 31/05/2013, 11 - 15  am ( IST) ;  by  Hiranmoy  Gautom .

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