Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Went  to  a   Temple  to  be  a Religious  person :

The  Priest(asked  me ):   which  one  ;   KRISHNA  , RAMA  ,  HANUMAN  ?
Me =  The  ONE   that   CREATED  all  of  them .
Prst,    Tell  his  name
Prst     There  is   no  HINDU  GOD    By  that  name .
Me == There was ;  I  heard  and   the  word  'Hindu'  is  a Persian  slan---
Prst :    Get  Out  .
             I  JUMPED  OUT !
WENT  TO   A   A  CHURCH   for  Conversion  or inversion .
The  Priest(asked me ) :  Which   branch : CATHOLIC ,  PRESBYTERIAN , QUAKER , MORMON  ?
 Me  =         FIRST   CAUSE     The    DIVINE , whom  BRUNO   Searched  and  was  murdered .
The  Prst. :   What  is    that  ?
Me   =         One  with  no  belly  Button  and   no  REDEMPTION -FEE.
  Prst :         Get  OUT ; will  you ?

And  I   RAN   OUT  .
 - -  -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---
Then  went  to  a  MOSQUE  :
The  Mullah( asked  me ) :    What  you  want ?
 Me =  I  want  to  EMBRACE  ISLAM .
Mul.    Which  one  :  SHIITE , SUNNI   or   AHMED- - --- -
Me  =   Only  ISLAM    or    ALLAH  with  5  PILLARS.
MULL :   Are  you  crazy  or  mad  ?
Me  =  Both   &  ran fast .
Came  to the  near by  Forest ( wild --> not  Central Park ) :

The  old man was  sitting  alone  and  smiling  to himself   and  looking  UP  or  all around .
Me  =  Whom   are  you   waiting for  and   how  long  ; for  whom  ?

    He  signed  to  me  to  keep  silence  and  gestured  to me  to  sit  beside .
Me   =  Feeling  disturbed  ?  ------ waiting  for  some  one .

He was  still  silent  and  answered  with  his  nod  and  again  gestured  to  me  to  sit  beside .

And  I  did ;  as  I  knew   --- he 'GOT  IT '  !!!

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