Monday, May 6, 2013


Yes , have  been   'there  for  so  many  times
 in  this  living of  mine   for   so long  time
 And  can  bet , - that  the  other  Heaven  nor  Hell
is  any  better  nor  worse, as  my  experience  tell.

Here   Capital -Cities   have    Down-Town-  life
All Heaven  also    have  their  'Down-Town '  too
Drinks , Dames  , dances   ; all are  'Copy-cat' -type
Maybe, '* Urvashees &  *Menaka-s   are still  young  too !

Hell ? --I  bet ,  is  really  not  as  bad
as  it  is  here   on   this    Carnivore- Land '.
Composed  A  fw minutes  back .
* Urvashee&  Menaka   are   Mythological   heavenly  beauties.


Really , I admit and tell you here
I liked and like ' 5 Pillars ' of ISLAM ,--dear
Wish I could practice some , -all my life !

Everyone while praying to his respective 'god'
should practice 'NAMAZ' for heart and health
I tried it but am now restricted by age .
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