Wednesday, May 15, 2013

NANDA  GHOSH( Dastidar )
OR :   Putul  Dutta -(-the  way  I  knew  her )

She  was  a ' LADY' ;  my  sister-in law
( younger  than  my  wife)
Short ,   sweet ,  bold   and  packed - full  with  energy
Just  not  a  relative  but  more  than that
she  was ' a  friend '    in  truest  sense  of the term.
 She  admired  me  openly  and  ----
 we   quarreled   more  often  than  needed !

Yes  I  am   an  impolite , ' flaming-  tongue', -I admit
yet  failed  to  make  her  angry  for  long  -- and
she  ever  pulled  me  back  with  magnetic   love
the  in-built - gift  she  got  from  above !

And  some  more  to  add ; --- perhaps
 only  she  among   my  relatives , friends
 or  even  closer  family  group
understood  me  more !

No !  I  do not  believe  in   death   that  declares  the End.
 To me  ,   death is  only  a  'Transit '  or Gate
And-- Putul  Dutta  has   taken off  in  her  'Flight'
being  promoted to  a    level  of  another  LIFE
as  worthy  of  better  level  of  Soul-conscious-Plane
of  higher  life !
( Composed  by  Hiranmoy : (9 -50 AM; 16/05/2013)

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