Sunday, May 12, 2013

To day  --on   this  Stage
on  the  last   scene  of  Final  Act
of   the Play  of  my  life
or  at  Exit-door ,  to  express  in   another way
all   my   stored  up  talk  like   reminiscence
come back  within  me
to  inspire  or  remind  me  --again
or  ---  in  mute  silence    await .

All  that  I   have  not  yet  done  or failed  to  finish
yet  kept  store up  or  compact
 within my  expanding  soul
maybe, like  quantum  vibrating 'String '
or  like  all-powerful black-hole
sucking in    even  my thoughts .

And  there  -------
any  vocal  or  responding  response
gets  no space  to  enact  or  to  express !

Now  , --to day  - -  -
here,  on that  stage
like  from  some  hyper-Space  or  Supra- perceptual  space
I  muse  to  myself
and  ever  alone !

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