Thursday, May 2, 2013


The  DIVINE  is  there ( but  what  is  that   ' There'???)
The  Divine  is  alone  and   he  has  no  Siblings  too  .
And  Divine   is  all  Intelligence  +  Consciousness  but   from which ' WALL MART '  it  came,-  that  I  do not  know yet   !
They  must  be  some  'Own- Manifestation' .( Like  a Spider - Play : Vedanta ).
As  Divine  had  no  Parents  and   had  no  off - spring   , Divine  must  be  a lonely ' poor - thing'  by  Homo-sa-pien Standard .[ But  can   Divine  be  a 'thing '  like 'God's particle  ??? ]
[ - - - "neither   HE , nor  SHE  , not even  IT "  - - - -- Vedanta ]

Saw  STATUE  Of  Lberty  , New York ? - -   Is it  not a   female  FIGURE ??  But  is  LIBERTY   Male  or  female  ?! (  I  am  still   pondering  over this   puzzle)
  - - - - - - - - -                    - - - - - - - - - --

So  the   DIVINE   was the  lonely  INTELLIGENCE-CONSCIOUSNESS    [something  or   'STRING"  ! Ask  Max Planck ]
 And    like  an   Old Man's  Game  of  Patience  with a  pack  of  Cards  he   DEVISED  this   COSMOS, like the   Endless   Vedio  Game  with  US ,    devised  as  PAWNS (  like   Hollywood/ Bollywood   films  to  Fool    all   conscious  Homo-Sa-Piens !
Q.E.D .
If  any  award  is  offered , I  shall     REFUSE   it.

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