Monday, May 13, 2013

WELL  !   I  AM    READY  !

 Well !  I 'm  ready  , -- my  Love !
If  it  is  time  to  leave  ---and if  you  decide
 I shall  easily  respond  to  your  call !

All  these   cherished  life , works and home
that  fading     Sun - shine  on  balcony  space
 or   ever  flowing   river Ganges   in  front  my  flat !
 To   leave  them  all  when  you  decide  my   departure-time
shall  be  final  proof  of  my  faith   and  response !.

Though  some  works   yet  remain  UN-finished
some   wood - craft , some  poems  and   even  then   I  know
they  are  no  excuse  nor  ever  my   theme  to  linger  on
Whoever , in  any  life   have  ever  finished  their  jobs  in  full !

And   whatever  the  state  in which   I  remain  ever
 I  let  you  know   my  dear ;    and  finally --
  that  you   may  take  it   that, I   'm  ready  for  thy   call
  as  and  when  you  decide  my  Time !

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