Saturday, May 18, 2013

The  lonely  boatman on his  tiny  boat
On  crowded  Ganges  staging   survival game 
to  trap  speeding  fishes    small or  large
with  hopes  and  dreams ,- all  packed  inside
challenging  fish - world  to   try    their  luck 
to   escape  the  net -trap  quick  and  fast.
The  lonely  boat  -man  with   cherished   dream 
to  feed  his  off-spring ,  depending  on him 

 Scores  of   boats    on   the  ever -used  Ganges  
 for  millenniums  now  helping  this  fishing  race
 Trapping  fishes    or  getting   drowned 
 when  storms  and  waves     play  the  dance of  Death !

Who  will  survive  and  who  will  not 
 This  Cosmic  game , ever  alive  on  either  side
Was   once  told  in ' The Old  man  &  the  sea ''
This  is  but  a dying  river   with  tiny   fishing  boats !

 And   the  fish  that ,-  in thousand -s  die  each day 
also  play  their  role  in  this  survival  play 
Schrodinger ,  you   told  us  once  in --" What  is  life ? "
But  did   not write  about  "  What  is  living ? " --I guess !
(Composed  on  18/ May / 2013)

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