Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I  think ,   Mr. A. Sen 's  observations  did not  carry  total  or  over all  view .
What  special  out-flow  he  expected  from  a  political  System  , where   there  is  no  PEOPLE - ELECTED  "LEADER'  but    one   appointed   by  some --- ( any  way )!.
Where  Statistical  strength  of   corrupt  and   self -serving 'political  patriots )  may  even out-number  the  other  side .
Where   serving  people  is  a  Fool's  ideal  &  Black  money  is  valuable  like  prayers .

A stalled Parliament

Livemint - ‎1 hour ago‎
Amartya Sen suggested in a speech on Monday that Parliament should be made aware of the number of deaths caused by its inability to get work done.

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