Thursday, May 30, 2013


MAN   is  the  most ' Intelligent   -Animal ' on this  Planet
most  Dangerous  and  Corrupt  too
He   has  mastered  the  skill   to   go  for a shooting  Sport
after  full -tummy  or ' five-Star ' -meal
though  some  times,  miss  the  lucky  bird
and  wound  his  own  friend , as  is  learnt
like  some  Amrikan  V-P  , (  I  read  in report ).

Other  animals  obeys  the  Rules
of  Mother - Nature, as known
 even  in   Mating  and rearing  child
 or   community -life,  for  collective   growth.
The  most  intelligent  of    all   Animal -race
now  has  Mastered   the 'WMD-  Art'  of  WARS
and   a-massed too  -----------
thousands  of  NEUTRON  Bombs-  and  what   else  not
to  DESTROY  the  WORLD  100   times or more
(but  where  will  be  the World  after  the  First ? )
is  beyond  me  to  report!

Top  most  Class  is  the  most  dubious  now
CORRUPT  in SPORT , COMMERCE  and  'Game- Fixing'  ' Art
The  Topmost  few  now  control   Land , Sea  and   Sky
 using 'MAJORITY -VOTE' as    'Democratic -(Ace) Card'
Fox, Hyenas  ,  Falcons ;- no  match  to   ' Minority -Top'
 however  you   write  or  edit    your  script-------------
the  final  out-come   is , now  it  seems to  me
the  Global  * B.P.L ---  has  no   Chance .
Composed  :31/05/2013 ;  8 am , IST , *B,P,L ( Below  Poverty Line )

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