Thursday, May 23, 2013

21ST.   CENTURY   POEM  - 25/ May/ 2013
Is  it   local  ?  Is it   Global ?
Is  it Political , Ethnic  or  Economic  Divide
What  is it??
Is  it  Mutation   or   inherent  in  Human -Genes
I  do  not  know  yet ; but  who  can  tell
and  educate  me !

Is  it  a  disease --and   what    is  DISEASE
Or , -  Clash  of   Civilized  forms
Maybe --- neither  and    I  do  believe
or   maybe , an  In-built  breach
like  the  depth  and  DIVIDE  of  GRAND CANYON
and    of   MILLENNIUMS - AGE .

Where  is   the  ROOT ?   How  it  forms
War  &  Peace  are   not  separate  terms
PEACE  is  --all  WARS'  aftermath  Dream
Or  WAR   for PEACE , -   NATURE'S  final  term
for  Evolving   Conscious  Homo -Sa'piens    on  EARTH .

All  WARS  are in-built  state  for   peace
PEACE  is  integrated  in  TERMINAL  Wars
The  COSMOS   was  designed  with ' CHAOS ' -Themes


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