Tuesday, May 7, 2013

INDIA -2013

This  is  depressing  darkness  that  looms  above
and   quick-sand  choking   Coal-tar  Time
All around  rise  midday   cyclonic - storm
 On   every  cross-road  the  Red-light -  'on' .

As   massive   silence   spreads  on  cemetery  around
Conscious-life  all  frozen    like fridger-stiff
 Murder , fear   and  over more, -   this  degenerated  state
building up   even ,   sky-high   volcanic- slab.

This  burning , gasping   and  tossing  Time
Dead  or   dying  all  under-valued  lives
like  dooms-day  , this  tragic, crushing   dark   descent
with  speeding ,   myopic   Cyclop- life  !
( Composed  ;  5-05 pm , 07/May /2013 , IST)

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