Sunday, May 5, 2013

BHARAT (629  - 45 A.D)  That  was  them
INDIA  ( greek slang)  That  is  Now ( post  1947)

BHARAT( 629-45 A.D );
                           " They ( people )  are  not  deceitful   or  treacherous  in their  conduct and  are  faithful  to  their  oaths  &  promises   - - - - --
 With  respect   to  criminals  or  rebels  they are few  in  numbers  -- - - --
 and  they  are  not   counted  among  men.
                                              ( Hiuen  Tsiang's Travel  in  India (  A.d 629 - 45); A  Book  of  India : edited  by  B.N  Pamdey; Rupa  &  co.:  COllins   Reprint-1982;;  15, Bankim Chatterjee  Street , Calcutta )

INDIA  NOW  (  Post  1947 ):
                                  I  think   from  General people   unto  the   ADMINISTRATION , Central, State   or  other  sub-sections  e.g  CWG , COALGATE-scam ,  Nephews , IN-LAWS , OUT -LAWS ,  to  Top-Leadership  or any  other    conceivable place , where , I  think,  there  is  any   short  supply   of  CRIMINALS OR  CORRUPTS  !

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